Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Point of view: Maive

I had fallen asleep on accident. I was woken up by 3 girls storming in to my room. They talked loudly and I sat up. When they saw me they went dead silent. I smiled shyly and they kinda stepped back. "Hi I'm Maive..." I said quietly and waved slightly. They starred at me carefully and looked at me like they already knew that I'm me. "I'm Aberdeen..." Said a tall lanky girl with long, wavy, light brown kind of reddish hair. "I'm Juniper" Said a short girl with dark pink hair. "...I'm Remi..." Said a tall muscular girl with wavy dark brown hair. I smiled a fake smile and blushed a bit. Juniper looked up at her two taller friends. "Uh would you guys like to go to Mr. Clark's?!" She asked them excitedly. They nodded and giggled a bit. They walked out of the room and seemed like they entirely forgot that I was there. "Well it must be study hall..." I mumbled to myself. I stood up and couldn't stop myself from going back to Mr. Clark's room.

I strolled through the empty halls. I found his room and looked through the little window in the door. It seemed like the whole girl population was in there. He's obviously the heartthrob teacher. He was teaching something but none of the girls in there were paying attention. When he turned around all eyes went to his butt. I chuckled to myself. He turned to the door and saw me. He quickly walked to the door before I could run. He opened the door and grabbed my hand gently. He carefully pulled me into the classroom. He stood in the front of the room with me next to him. I wasn't resisting but he still held my hand. I squeezed his hand back. All the girls jaws dropped and they looked at me with pure jealously. I didn't really mind. I felt great being top dog for the moment. I smiled confidently and tried to look a bit cocky. With that I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. Then everyone including Mr. Clark was looking at me like they were waiting for an answer. I blushed and smiled awkwardly. "Um..." I managed to say. I was frozen with embarrassment. The girls watching seemed pleased. Mr. Clark smiled at me warmly. "Where are you from Maive?" He asked sweetly. "Oh...Minneapolis" I said shyly. "Ooh a city girl...Aberdeen aren't you from the city?" He said kind of flirtatiously. Aberdeen blushed and sat up. Her and my other two roommates were sitting in the back. "Yes I am Sir" She said shyly and blushed brightly. "Well that's wonderful...You two could become good friends" He replied cheerfully. He guided me back to his desk and I sat down on a spinny chair. He went back to teaching but he ocasionally looked over at me. I smitked at me when he looked over. The girls continued to peer at me with jealous eyes. It was that feeling like they could just burn through your skull if they thought hard enough.

The bell rang and a woman got on the loud speaker. "Now it is dinner time... We have grilled chicken, mashed potatos and green beans...and as always salad bar...For desert we have brownies...That's all for anoccements" She said monotonely. All the girls quickly left the room. A few of them gave me angry glares but I ignored them. I was the last to leave the room but on my way out Mr. Clark put his hand on my shoulder. I turned around and looked at him with one eyebrow raised. "Come to my class during study hall from now on..." He said and smiled sweetly. I didn't respond I just walked out of the room. I didn't promise him anything but I had a feeling I would come back.

I followed the crowd of people to find my way to the lunch room. We all went down several staircases and down a few hallways. When we reach the cafeteria I could't really see it due to the much taller people in front of me. When everyone filed into the dining hall and I stood in the doorway. It was beautiful. There was pretty chandelers, fancy dishes, shiny silverware, beautiful table cloths, tasty looking food and everything was amazingly arranged. I stared in aw at such beauty and my jaw was dropped. Someone pushed pass me, looked at me quickly and harshly pushed my lower jaw up. I winced in pain and she chuckled. "Don't leave your mouth open like that or a bug might fly in your mouth..." She said mockingly and passed me.

Now I could tell it was my roommate Aberdeen. I wasn't too sure that we could become friends but I didn't care. I slowly walked into the huge dining hall and followed Aberdeen into a line. I noticed it was for people eating from the salad bar. I grabbed a plate and grabbed some tongs. I put some lettce on the plate and put some other vegetables on the lettce. There was some unsual things I had never heard of too. I just assumed that this school was rich and could afford exotic food. I walked over to one of long dining tables. There was only one seat empty. I slowly sat down and carefully watched the people around me. No one had food yet except for the people who got salad. But even the people with salad weren't eating. I just sat there awkawardly waiting for something to happen. Fancy looking chefs came out of the kitchen and starting serving chicken, mashed potatos and green beans. When they reached me they skipped me. "Hey I need food!" I said shyly and one of the cooks turned around sharply. He frown angirly and walked back to me. "What did you say?" He asked grumpily. "I just said...I didn't get any of that food" I said quietly. The room went silent and everyone stared at me in shock. "Well you have plenty of salad on your plate...Is there something wrong with it?" He asked rudely and I gulped. "Well no sir I just anted more food..." I practically whispered and sluped down in my chair. "You get salad or menu items...Not both until you are burning enough calories" He said matter of factly. I sighed and nodded slowly. He walked away. "Fattie peasent..." He mumbled under his breath. I frowned and starting eating my salad.

The girl next to me leaned over and whispered in my ear. "You've gotta chose carefully what you want to eat...For the first few months its one or the other..." She whispered. "Okay...Thanks" I said politely and went back to eating. "I'm Kimber!" She said sweetly and shook my hand. She had a strong grip and wild short brown hair. She reminded me of someone. "Uh...I'm Maive" I stammed as she released my hand and clutched my limp and injured fingers. "Oh yeah I already know your name...Everyone knows about you!" She said causually even though that was kind of creepy. "Why does everyone know who I am?" I thought to myself. I finished my salad and watched everyone else. Once everyone finished we were dismissed.

I saw Aberdeen, Juniper and Remi. They were easy to spot. I walked up to them and Aberdeen groaned. "Its free time until 10:00 which is bed time..." She said sounding a bit annoyed. The three of them walked away and I took my phone out of my pocket. It was 6:52. I had 3 hours and 8 minutes to do stuff. I walked into the hall and ran after my roommates. I followed them from a few feet behind. They walked into the library and I followed. That's when Mr. Clark saw me. He practically tackled me. He pulled me out of the library and into a dark room. "What are you doing?!" I asked frantically. "Don't worry" He said in a comforting way. I stayed quiet and sat down in a folding chair. He flipped a switch and the ceiling light up with tiny stars. I looked up, watched planets and shooting stars. It was a planeteruim.

"Why'd you bring me here?" I asked finally. He chuckled. "I wanted you to see this...Its beautiful...Isn't it?" He said sweetly and I felt someone breathing on my neck. Than someone kissed my cheek. I couldn't tell who because it was so dark. The person wrapped his arms around me and pulled me out of the chair. He pulled me against him and tried to turn me around. He was cold and his breath smelled of iron. I pushed him off of me and ran out of the dark room. I turned to look at him but he didn't come into the light. I quickly walked away and got back to the libray. The guy who kissed me wasn't like Mr. Clark so I assume that it was someone else.

I found Kimber and some other girl. Kimber saw me and shooed her friend. "You didn't need to do that..." I said quietly. "Well I wanted to" She said flirtasiously. I gulped and stepped one step away from her. When she realised what she was doing she snapped out of it. "Uh sorry about that..." She said shyly and rubbed her neck awkwardly. "That's okay..." I mumbled. "Kimber!...Let's go there's training!" A girl yelled. Kimber smiled and slowlly walked away. I decided to go to bed. I slowly walked back to my room when I saw a tall and really skinny blonde boy. He was handsome but dorky looking. His jaw dropped when he saw me. That's kinda how people here reacted to me.


I decided not to engage with anyone else for the evening. I walked into the room and flopped into bed. I groaned and flipped over. I changed into my pajamas and fell asleep.

A Place for ChangeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora