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Anne's POV

I hate school. I despise it. And not because I hate math or reading or anything, but I hate being around so many people or being forced to 'commute with my peers'. The only reason I still show up is to ogle at Jackson Write. He's not really 'popular',he doesn't hang with that crowd. But he is so cute. Everyone knows who he is. But he doesn't seem to pay much attention when girls literally throw themselves onto him. Which is one reason why I have absolutely no chance with him. That combined with me being black ,and him, not so much. But that doesn't stop me from staring at him in class. Like I am doing right now.

"Anne Riggs?"
Oh that's me.
"Here," I called in a somewhat small voice. Everyone knows I'm here, you can see my Afro from a mile away.
I waited for his name to be called before putting my attention to the notes on the board.
"Jackson Write?"

There it is. His voice is so different. It's not baritone or deep, but its obvious puberty hit his vocal cords. He has a bit of an accent. But I can't tell where from. It's unique, I like it.
I don't really pay attention to class, I already know all of this crap from the large number of books I've read. But, what I do happen to hear is 'Partner Project' that is also when I asked to go to the bathroom before I had a panic attack and completely embarrassed myself . I hid in the bathroom until the bell rang for next period. I tried to move fast before the hallways filled up.
"Anne!" I heard someone call.
What the heck
"Anne !"
Then I recognized the voice.

Jackson's POV
I watched Anne walk out the door after our teacher mentioned partners.
I've noticed that she's really shy. But she's so gorgeous. I can't help but like her.

"Jackson and Anne" the teacher announced.

...that means we're partners. I'm so happy I could run circles around the class. But I didn't. Instead I waited for Anne to come back so I could tell her.
But she didn't come back.
After the bell rung I ran to the bathroom to try and find Anne. At first I didn't see her , then I noticed a large mass of hair in the distance.

I called her name, but she kept walking. So I called her again.
If she was mine she'd be in so much trouble for ignoring me. But I have to take it slow. I have to get to know her before I can tell her.

I jogged to catch up with Anne. I laid my hand on her shoulder and turned her to face me.

Anne looked up at me and made the cutest face before quickly looking down.

"Hey," I said softly.

She still didn't look at me but I ignored it.

I put my hand under her chin and lifted her head to look at me,
"We're partners for the project. So we should meet up sometime to discuss it, so here's my number."
She looked at me in surprise and uttered a soft 'ok'
I smiled at her and started walking to my next class.

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