Assassin's Bride Chp10

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Stepping back so they both stood side-by-side a gasp made him clench his jaw, because Cloud knew she saw the blood, the dead body. "Y-Yes," then a sob followed. That was all he needed. In a flash, his gloved, bloody hand grabbed hers and they were sprinting from the house.

Cloud ran as fast as he could, his life depended on this moment, he knew Alexander was holding them off with everything he got, but Cloud also knew, this will not last long, the assassins were probably already on his trail. With Faith, this was not a peaceful task; she was still suffering from her injury slowing him down. He cast a fleeting glare at her foot; tightened his grip on her hand for he was ready to increase his run, his shoes hit hard on the earth, as he veered in the woods. 

Their breathing hitched in lungs from lack of air, sweat trickling down their foreheads and spines. The growing tress and branches caught at their hair and clothes, but they kept running. Cloud knew Faith was petrified, her sobs rammed daggers through his heart, igniting his fury.

The girl cried as shadows passed them. Death was here, but not his. There was no holding back. Cloud had to kill. Coming to a screeching halt, he pushed Faith against a tree, stood in front of her like an invisible mountain, after a second his enemies stood proud and ready, with him and Alexander in their deadly midst.

"What do you want?"  A silent and innocent voice asked. Cloud closed his eyes at the sound of it. The voice had so much pain, desperation and fear it was agonizing to hear.

He simply shook his head, knowing well enough she had her eyes open, "Close your eyes," he repeated, silently.

Giving her a moment to obey, Alexander vanished, appearing behind Malcolm's men, leaving Cloud in front. He separated his feet, pulled out his fine sword, and engulfed death around him that instant. He was beyond enraged, his fingers itched to kill, body burned to cause holocaust.

 Alexander ceased his fight for a moment and watched his friend, who fought like a devil, littering dead bodies on the ground. He knew Cloud could not be stopped any time soon, Malcolm, their master gave Cloud yet another enjoyment in finding him and killing him. 

Puddles of blood on the ground did not disconcert Cloud, he swung his sword in every direction, driving it through hearts and tearing limbs apart. A yell tore from his throat as he chopped the arms of his opponent with an elegant draw of his blade, then slit the assassin's gullet.

He stepped forward to combat with another assassin; suddenly a man dressed in dark brown appeared in front of him. Cloud stared at him, that's when realization kicked in, he frowned. "I was wondering when you would pay attention to me, frère," said the newcomer in French, tilting his head, examining Cloud with great interest. 

"Your repulsive existence screamed to me the moment you stepped in Edgard," Cloud hissed. 

Edgard chuckled ignoring the killing around him, "And here I thought my brother missed me,"

"I believe those who abandon the clan are no longer brothers," Cloud stated, covering his anger smoothly.

"Yes," Edgard dipped his head, agreeing. "Master was rather sorrowful when he commanded me to kill you, although he did ask to bring your head," his vicious eyes gleamed.

"That was exactly what the last pet said before I eliminated him." Cloud now grinned; Edgard could not see his face but knew from Cloud's eyes the man was smiling.

"I am sure it will be your last time hearing it," with that Edgard leaped like a nefarious lion. 

Being the man he was, Cloud wasted no time, so far his combatants were not as skilled as Edgard. The man was ranked third back in the days when he served Malcolm. He hissed when Edgard's sword bit skin, crimson water oozed from his gush, snaking his left arm. 

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