Assassin's Bride Chp31

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Heya guys, have fun reading ;)


~Dubai is NOT a country it's a CITY in United Arab Emirates!~

Faith's desolate eyes stared at her tears that stained the pillow and sniffed. It had been three excruciating days since she found out that Cloud had deceived her, that he attempted to exploite her for his advantage. Of course she did not believe in the lies they tried to feed her. Assassins did not exist, her parents were not unholy monsters who annihilated to satisfy their hearts. She sniffed again then held her throbbing head in hands.

She ran her tongue over her chapped lips and rested her feet on the cold tile. Three days since she caught a glimpse of sunlight or vacated this room. She denied to touch her food or utter few words to anyone. Her demented feelings fluctuated from wretchedness to vexedness. She desired to yell at him, make him pay for what he did to her, but the next minute her heart yearned to be near him. Faith wanted to be in his arms, feel his lips on her skin and loose her self in the depth of his prepossessing eyes.

Faith ran her fingers through her hair and winced when her pale fingers came in contact with the wound just behind her left ear. She stretched her hand to get hold of the small mirror placed on the bed-side table and stared at her ashen reflection. Maynor's hand had left a mark on her cheek, however it was invisible now, her bottom lip was torn and swollen. Faith did not aid her wounds she merely curtained herself in the covers for time to heal them.

In a trice Maynor's words commenced to haunt her. Faith's fragile fingers let go of the hand mirror which fell on the tile floor and shattered in to uncountable pieces. She pressed her palms against her ears and shook her head violently, she inhaled, then exhaled and attempted to not recall his immoral words or him.

Her body jerked when the door of her room opened, her naive heart thumped rapidly and her head snapped to find her worse nightmare, but it was merely Saya by the door. At the sight of her, Faith broke down in to anguished sobs. In a blink of an eye, Saya's arms encased her form and she rocked Faith's body from side to side.

"I can't, I can't do it, Saya. I can't get him out of my mind," Faith pressed her cheek in Saya's shoulder. "H_He is everywhere." She could feel her blood run cold, her veins twist.

Saya grit her teeth, how dare that man provoke Faith to an extent that she called off the engagement, so he could be with his Ex. The friend sighed when she recalled that at a time like this Faith had not only wounded herself but had gotten fired from her job as well. "Time heals every wound Faith, do not shed tears for a man who does not value them." Saya pulled away to look in her friend's scarlet eyes.

Faith shunned her gaze and stared at her fingers. "You need to get out of this room, your mom is immensely distressed." she heard Saya's soft, gentle voice and knew her friend was right, but she was terror-stricken, terrified to leave her haven.

"I don't want to." Faith wiped her tears.

"You will get out of this room! Look around you, Faith. The curtains are drawn there is no light in the room. How long do you plan to carry on with this madness?" Saya rested her hand on Faith's shoulder.

Faith permitted her eyes to scan her room and gulped, the room was gloomy, just like her night terrors. Instantly, it reminded of the dark, dangerous things that occurred, the things that demanded to rip off her soul. She shot up from the bed, "You are right, we should get out of here." Faith whispered and a shudder traveled down her spine.

"Yes we should, you also need to go to work from tomorrow." Saya rose up from the bed as well, her chain belt made a clinging sound in the process.

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