Chapter 12: Sakura, Latias, Lucy vs Sherry

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Galuna Island; the village

Lucy, Happy, Sakura, and Latias come back to the village and explain the villagers what is going on.

"So there you have it. The people who are coming to attack are to blame for doing this to your bodies." Lucy explains.

"They're coming here?"

"Yes. But on the bright side, this is your chance to capture them!" Sakura adds.

"Can we really pull that off?"

"Will it work?"


"Those three are probably wizards, so they won't be captured so easily." Happy points out.

"True. We have the advantage when it comes to numbers, but no wizards." Lucy agrees.

"What? You're not planning on fighting, Lucy?" Happy asks and Lucy suddenly have an idea.

"I just thought of the perfect plan!" She says.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

"What's the meaning of all the ruckus?" Moka questions as he walks towards Lucy.

"Village chief!"

"Please listen! Enemies will be attacking this village soon." Lucy tells him.


"They've been staying at the ruins in the forest, and they're the ones who turned your bodies into demons!"

"Who cares?! Have you destroyed the moon yet?!"

"Well, there's no need to destroy the moon... If we just catch the ones responsible..."

"The moon! Destroy the moon!" Before Chief Moka could do anything, two villagers hold his arms.

"Chief, please calm down!"

"Come now, this way."

The two drag the chief away from the rest of the villagers and the Fairy Tail wizards.

"What's with him?" Sakura questions.

"Don't mind him. It's because of what happened to his son, Bobo..."

"Yeah. Anyway, we're going to capture them." Lucy says.

"But, how?"

"Just leave this to the great Lucy! Fairy Tail's number-one Celestial Wizard! This is going to work like a charm, just watch!"

"This is awesome!" Lucy thought.

"She's really gotten into this." Happy says.

"Gate of the Maiden, I open thee! Virgo!" Lucy yells as she summons Virgo.

"Did you call me, Princess?" Virgo asks and the villagers are swoon from Virgo's appearance.


"So this is a 'maid'?"

"I can't get enough!"

"Guess they don't get many maids around here..." Lucy mutters.

"Looks like it." Sakura says.


Princess, preparations are complete." Virgo says.

"Thanks, Virgo. You're always so fast." Lucy says.

"You wish to punish me?"

"That was a complement!"

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