Snow Lily X Asexual!Reader [Flirt]

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Requested by: @liveforthenow14


You were at the Arisuin mansion, entertaining Lily's sublclasses.You enjoyed playing with them, well you kinda had to.

You were looking for a summer job to at least earn some cash, but you didn't have much luck in finding one.

Misono suggested he'd pay you to watch Lily's subclasses, as your his friend and he'd help you out when you needed it.

So here you are playing tea party with a couple of little girls while the boys were wrestling in the back, begging you to join.

Sure it was a bit of a pain since Lily had sooo many subclasses, but you're payed well at least.

Soon you were being tugged side to side as you were the rope in a game of tug-a-war.

The boys wanted you to play a game about knights and the girls wanted you to have a tea party.

You were starting to get a bit angry but kept your cool. An idea soon popped in your head!

"Everyone hold on!!"

You shouted, catching there attention and to loosen their grip on you (f/c) T-shirt.

"How about this, you boys will be the knights trying to rescue us princess' from bandits trying to rob us at our tea party."

The boys and girls exchanged glances at each other, as if asking for their consent in this. They soon broke their gazes at each other and looked up at me.

They nodded, as a signal that we should start the game. I then help them prepare a look alike castle and played their game.

Time went by fast as it was already late at night, and the clock on the wall read 8:30 pm. Meaning, you're shift is over.

You sighed of relief as you got up and took off the crown you had on. You then headed towards the bathroom to wash off the makeup the girls put on you.

Yeah, the Arisuin mansion is like a maze but you get used to it. You finally reached the bathroom and washed off the horrible makeup.

As you were walking around looking for Misono you bumped into none other that the flirtatious vampire, Lily.

"Good evening (Y/N)-chan~"

"Good evening Lily!"

You gave him a closed eyed smile and he gladly returned it.

"Heading home now?"


"How were the kids? Were they a hassle?"

"No no they were like little angels!"

Well, sort of.

You thought to yourself.

"That's great! Here's your pay."

"Thank you!"

You took the money gratefully and gave him another smile. You were about to walk off until you felt him grip your shoulder.

"L-Lily? Something wrong?"

"You know, you're very good with kids. I'd love to have you as a wife~"

He gave you a cheeky wink followed by a giggle as your face was as red as a tomato.

"T-T-Thanks... I guess."

This is so awkward!!

You mentally screamed. Though, this was something to be expected from the Servamp of Lust.

Plus, you were asexual.

You didn't want to tell him anything as you can deal with one flirtatious quote once in a while at least.

But it didn't end there.

As Lily was escorting you out he kept dropping cheesy flirtatious lines at you here and there.

Honestly, you were getting really uncomfortable. You felt a need to tell him but you were still debating about that.

As you were mentally fighting with yourself in your mind, you failed to notice Lily leaning towards you for a kiss.

You freaked out, and let our a little shriek. Out of reflex, you accidentally slapped him in the face.

You stood there with your mouth agape after realizing what you just did.

"O-Oh my gosh! I'm s-soooo sorry!!"

"It's ok, don't worry! I'm immortal silly. What was that for anyways?"

This was it, you're going to tell him.

"W-Well, I'm asexual... s-so... yeah... that's why..."

There was an awkward silence and Lily made an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)-chan if I made you uncomfortable!"

"No it's ok, you didn't know."

"I still love you though!"


"It may be hard to be with you since I'm the Servamp of Lust and you're not fond of anything sexual. But I'm willing to try, for you~"

You were speechless. That would be so hard for Lily! Lust and sexual desires is in his nature! The fact that he's willing to at least try for you means everything.

"Thank you Lily~"

"Your welcome (Y/N)-chan~ I'll try my best!"

You giggled at his childish behaviour.

"Great! Well I should be heading home now. I'll see you tomorrow then!"

"Goodbye (Y/N)-chan!"

"Goodbye Lily! Tell Misono I said bye too!"


Sorry this sucks lmao

SERVAMP//ONE SHOTS [DISCONTINUED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें