Jane is the nicest person you'll meet. She's hella clingy and I like it. Just cause I'm a big guy, doesn't mean I don't like to cuddle.

My Mom and Dad tried to contain their laughter. Key word- tried. I give them both glares, making them look down and continue eat. Still trying not to laugh. I turn to see Cece, have the most confused look on his face.

" Baba? Why do you have to break up with Jane? She so nice and funny!" My brother asked me, while my parents were talking about something.

I grab my other piece of good ass bacon and took a bit before I spoke. " Well, you see buddy, I'm going to have a mate tomorrow. And Jane's not going to be my mate. Apparently. I'm going to have another nice and funny girl." When those words left my mouth, all I could hear was forks being dropped onto glass plates.

Me and my brother snap our heads towards our parents, with a confused look on our faces. My parents look at eachother, then at me, then back at each other. Their eyes were changing, meaning they are mind linking each other.

" Mommy? Daddy? What's wrong?" Cece asked. They snapped their heads to my brother and gave him a smile. Let me add that, it was a fake one.

" Cece, honey, can you go to your room with your brother? Daddy and I need to talk, ok?" My mom said.

" But-"

" Not buts Cece. Go to your room, NOW!" My Dad's wolf growled, scaring Cece and myself. Don't fuck with my Dad's wolf, Mason. He will kill a bitch.

Cece puts his head down, and got up to walk over to me and puts his arms out, making grabby hands at me. Basically asking me to pick him up. I walked up to my room holding my little brother in my arm's.

When I open and closed the door, I feel something wet on my shirt. I pick up Cece, so that he was facing me, and saw he was crying.

" Hey, hey, hey. Buddy, what's wrong?" I ask while wiping some of his tears that escaped his eye.

" D-Daddy h-h-hates me..." He said stuttering throughout his sentence.

" No he doesn't." I pulled him into a hug. He hugged back, tightly. " Why do you say that?" I asked in a whisper.

" He never....n-n-never..." He cried even more into my shoulder when I asked. I rubbed his back in a calming matter.

" Shhh, it's ok. Daddy doesn't hate you, ok? I promise."

I know my Dad doesn't hate Cece. But him being the second omega in the pack... When he's the alpha? It puts a bad rep on our family name. But we don't care that he is an omega. We all love him nonetheless.

Speaking of Dad, what happen with him and my Mom? When I said something about my mate they just..... Weren't my parent's? Maybe they we're talking about something? Yeah that's it.

I pushed those thoughts out of my mind. That's when I notice Cece had calmed down and got out of the hug.

" Can I go in my room?" He asked. I nodded and he left. He'll be fine. The other omega he shares a room with, will calm him down.

' Now! Call the damn hoe and break up with her.' My wolf said.

I chuckled, ' Oh come on! You like her too Bailey. You was practically begging to fuck her every time we did.'

' Not true! I want our mate. Not her hoe ass.'

' What if she is our mate?'

' Trust me, she not.'

' You say it now, but watch tomorrow she will be.'

' I know who our mate is.'

' Who?'

My Little Omega MateWhere stories live. Discover now