Friends? Just Maybe...

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3rd person
"Alright guys! We're going to be starting off the day with a group project!" said Mrs. Nelson. The whole class groaned, but no one groaned louder than a small girl in the corner, her name was Kia, and she really didn't want to be there. "Okay I'm going to be counting you off into your groups," said the teacher, and she did. "All the one go together and all the twos etc." All the students went into their groups including our main characters...

Maxine's  POV
I sat at the table with four others, and I was trying to figure them out, they seemed pretty cool, but looks can be deceiving. One was a pretty boy, probably sad about leaving his boyfriend at his old school. Another was a girl who was likely to make a lot of suicide jokes but never mean them. The third was a silent type, he was probably dependable, even if the memes he was currently looking at are outdated. The last was a somewhat normal looking girl, and I stand corrected, judging by the way she just threatened to fight the girl behind her. "So," said the pretty boy,  "I guess we should start to get to know each other since we're doing this group thing together, I'm Ron, Ron Walton." "I'm Charlotte, Charlotte Jones," said the first girl. "I'm Kia Gatling" said the violent one "I'm Danny Nadeau" said the silent one "I'm Max, Max Daniels," I said, "So, what is it that we are supposed to be doing?" "I don't know" said the pretty boy, and the rest of them shrugged. "We're gonna procrastinate until the project is due aren't we?" "Yep" they all replied in unison. I think that we might just be friends... Maybe...

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