Part 3

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Liam's pov

It's lunch break me Harry and Louis need to watch if nothing goes wrong. I look around and walk over to Harry and Louis. 'Have you seen Niall already?' I ask. 'Nope, not in here but I gave math to him two hours ago then he had history' Harry says. 'I gave history' Louis says. 'You don't know anything about it' I say. 'That's why I let them watch a movie' He says smiling. I look around again and notice that Shawn, Jace, Luke and Ethan aren't here too. 'I've a bad feeling about this' I say. 'Hazz come we're going to look for them' I say. 'But they won't take me seriously ya know' Louis says. 'Lou you and I both know that you can be serious if you need to' Harry says. 'Okay go and look for them' Louis says we run out of the cafetaria. And look for them. And see a few people at the end of the hallway we run closer to them.

'Come on Shawn join the fun' One of them says. 'No! Leave him alone he did nothing wrong to you' Shawn says struggling to get free. Not working since they're holding him in a way that he can't escape even if he tried his hardest. And see Niall against the lockers. 'Hey!' I shout. As they all look in our direction. 'Way to ruin the fun Mr Payne and Styles' Ethan says who has Niall pinned against the wall with his hands above his head. He takes Niall's chin his hand. 'Ethan! Leave him alone' Shawn growls. Before one of us could say something. 'There is someone who needs to let them know who's the boss around here' He says. 'Like I said earlier you don't own this school! I don't understand why I'm even friends with you in the first place' Shawn says. Making the other boy roll his eyes. 'Enough!' I say.

'Let them go and you come with us!' I growl. After I said that Louis came running towards us. 'Why are you here?' I ask. 'Some other teachers are in the cafetaria' He says. He looks at Ethan and then the other two. He raises his eyebrow. Harry holds him back before he could attack. But Louis maneges to get free and pushes Ethan off of Niall. 'If I see you touch him again you're dead meat' He growls taking the younger boy in his arms. Then he looks at the other two who had Shawn. 'And same goes for you two let him go or else' Louis growls as they let Shawn go. 'And don't come near them ever again' Louis says before they run off. 'You two okay?' Harry asks. 'Yes thanks' Shawn says. 'Your welcome' Louis says. As he hugs Niall. Louis pulls back from the hug. 'What do you guys have after this?' Louis asks. 'Uhm P.E. I guess' Shawn says. 'I'll see you two there' I say to Niall and Shawn.

They nod their heads. 'Wait' Louis says before they could go away. 'Shawn you don't have a class after P.E?' Louis asks. 'No why?' Shawn asks. 'Only if you want to you can try drama & music if you like it you can joing if you want and if you don't like it then you don't need to come' Louis says. 'I'll think about it' He says smiling. Louis smiles back at him. And the two of them headed into the cafetaria. We look at Louis. 'What?' Louis asks. 'Since when do you ask people into your class?' I ask smirking. 'I don't know maybe he do like it I can picture him as a musician' Louis says shrugging. As he walks away. 'I can help since I'm done with my classes today' Harry says. 'Sure' I say as we walk towards gym room (don't know how to call it😂). 'What do you want to do?' Harry asks. 'I was thinking first half basketball and the second half football or something' I say shrugging. 'Or you could do something what makes them tired' He says smirking. 'Like what?' I ask. 'Let them run for a few minutes and then do some push ups and sit ups I don't know something like that' He says. 'Or do both' 'Hmmm I'll do the football and basketball some other time' I say smriking.

The students came walking into the room. 'Hello class' I say as they sit down on a bench. 'Hello' They say. I look at Harry who stands beside me. 'What is Mr Styles doing here?' Sophie asks. 'He wanted to help' I say. She nods her head. 'We're going to do something different I didn't thought about it but Mr Styles came with the idea' I say. And look at him. 'Okay today you guys and girls are going to something way more different' Harry says chuckling. As he explains it to the class making everyone groan. 'Well go on' Harry says as the first ones start to run and the others following. And let Harry take over and trust me when I say that Harry worn them out. He stands there grinning like an idiot. I stand back beside him. 'Poor kids' I say chuckling. 'Next time let Louis give P.E. for one time' Harry whispers. 'Will do' I whisper back smirking. 'You can go' I say to the class. They walk away. As we follow them. 'What have you guys done to them?' Mrs Edwards asks. 'Lets just say I let Harry give P.E.' I say. She starts to laugh. 'You're so mean' She says. 'Lia- Uhm Mr Payne?' Someone asks. I turn around and see Niall and Shawn standing there. 'Something wrong?' I ask. 'Uhm do you've something to drink for me?' Niall asks. 'Sure, don't you have something to drink with you?' I ask. 'Yea but not enough' He says.

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