|| Chapter 25 || Anti V.S Aryan

Start from the beginning

She held the door open with Misty's mother's help as everyone walked through the doors without hesitation.

"Looks like you finally came back, eh Anti?" Anti and I stopped haft way through the door way, turning to see none other than Aryan. He stood by the thrones, smirking as he watched us all make our escape.

"Aryan, its been awhile," Anti glared darkly at him, walking away from the doors as he nodded.

"Indeed it has. I thought you'd come say 'hello' to me but instead you were going to leave? Now is that a way to treat an old friend?" Aryan teased as Anti growled.

"(Y/n)..." my mother took my hand, pulling me towards the door," come on, we must get to safely."

"I'm stay with Anti. You take everyone to the Clock Tower and I'll meet you there, okay?" I looked back to her as she frowned but nodded.

"We'll stay too then," Ashley and Cody walked back through the door way, dipping their heads," we have come here together therefore we must stick together."

"I see you've brought your new friends. Two Princesses and a Prince, huh?" Aryan looked behind Anti at us as we walked to her side, all glaring at him.

"You know Anti, I was honestly shocked when you left. I didn't think you'd leave to work for royalty of all things either," Aryan went on as Anti stood tall.

"The royal family of Rena has treated me well, better than Ganondorf and you."

"You must really love it there I take it. So why ever did you come back to see me?"

"To finish you of course," Anti answered calmly as Aryan smirked.

"So a fight is what you want? Interesting."

"Shut up," Anti started walking towards him, glaring the whole time," you always seem to like to fight, don't you? Well then fight me now, Aryan, and prove yourself the son of Ganondorf."

"So be it..."

"Anti," I stepped forward but Ashley put a hand on my shoulder, shaking her head.

"Let her do this, it is what she has always waited for."

I frowned before looking to Anti, nodding. Now is the moment to see who is truly stronger. Anti or Aryan...I pray Anti wins this.

(No one's P.O.V)

Aryan threw Anti a sword that was just a simple sword a guard would use. He himself held one a lot stronger looking not that Anti cared. She was going to take him down no matter how strong he thinks he is.

"How long has it been since you've actually fought someone with a sword before, Anti? Must have been awhile. Living in the castle of Rena must be a calm, happy, life for you, yes?" Aryan ran at her, swinging the sword as she blocked it with ease, glaring at him.

"I've practiced on my free time," Anti replied dully as Aryan swung at her from the side and continued to swing as she continued to block him.

"If you've practiced then why don't you swing at me yourself? You just block every blow with little care. Is this not a challenge to you?" 

"Hardly. Plus there's a lot more strangely involved when fighting with a sword. You simply can't just swing every damn second."

"You've always been a little know-it-all, ever since my father even brought you to work for him. You had guts, I'll give you that. Going against my father's orders and running off. He's the Lord of all evil and you still left. Are you that stupid?" Aryan growled, swinging towards her head as she ducked, glaring at him.

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