|| Chapter 6 || The Castle Library

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The first week seemed to go by fast with little going on. The Queen and King seemed to get along very well with Prince Aryan who also seemed to get along well with them but as for Prince Alex, on the other hand, he was either locked up in his room or was following his brother quietly like a lost puppy. 

Princess (Y/n) seemed to want to ignore the fact they were there. She'd offend times would be with Zelda, Link and Misty or up in her own room on her own. Everyone seemed to notice the Princess and Prince not talking however no one really did a thing about it since, as the Queen said, there was still plenty of time for them to get to know each other and that they can't avoid each other the whole time...


"I don't see why we can't do something...funnier. I mean, why can't we go out to the garden or something like that~" Misty cried, following the others as (Y/n) giggled, looking back to her with a smile.

"Because, I've already read all the books I have in my room so I wish to find some new ones," she explained as Misty huffed, looking to the side with crossed arms.

"But its so boring~" 

"I think going to the castle library is a great idea. We can all get a book to read so when we're bored, we have something to do," Zelda smiled brightly, cupping her hands in front of her at the idea.

Indeed the group was going to the castle library together, just another way they could all hang out and take their minds off of everything after all, if there was something they could do to get (Y/n) out of her room, they'd go anywhere. 

"What kind of books does the castle library even have?" Link asked, looking to the blond haired female as she shrugged, not ever being in the library before. 

"Our library has many books. From fantasy to nonfiction, any book you want you can find here," (Y/n) answered Link's question, holding the books in her hands close to her chest.

The group stopped in front of two large wood doors, (Y/n) pushing them open to revile the large room of books hidden behind them. Link and Zelda stared wide eyed at them all, never seeing so many books in their lives as (Y/n) and Misty just walked in unfazed by the large amounts of knowledge. 

"There's so many..." Link whispered as (Y/n) nodded.

"You can have a look around and see if there's any books you like. If you find one that seems inserting, don't be afraid to take it. I'm going to go put these books away," (Y/n) looked back to everyone and gesturing to the books she held.

"Come on, Zelda. I know where so amazing books are that you'd adore~!" Misty took Zelda's hands, pulling her away into the maze of bookcases as she giggled and followed without complaint.

Link took a second to even find a direction to go, slowly choosing a random way and looking around the place. There were old books, new books, small books, huge books...he was pretty sure all the books in the world were located in that very room.

While the others went off to search for books in the sea of them, (Y/n) went off putting hers away and trying to find a new one. No matter how big the room was, she still knew her way around perfectly since, when you live there your whole life not being able to leave, you learn your way around the place.

Running her finger across the books spins, she read each one in search for something interesting that she hadn't read yet. Repeating the names in her head, she keep on looking, not paying attention to where she was walking. 

As she walked, she ran into another bookcase on accident, gasping and stepping back as the bookcase wobbled, the top books falling down from their spots on the shelf. (Y/n) looked up, her eyes wide as she was sure the books would fall and hit her however nothing came as she was pushed out of the way before they hit.

"A-Are you alright, Princess?" An accented voice asked shakily as the Princess opened her (e/c) eyes, looking up to only meet a pair of dark amber ones.

"Y-Yes...thank you for saving me," she smiled a bit, only to blush as she realized the position the two where in. Prince Alex was hold his arms around her waist, holding her up as their faces were rather close. If he was to only lean a bit closer they would have been kissing.

"O-Oh dear goddesses, I'm sorry! I didn't know and-" He quickly let go of her, forgetting he was the one holding her up as she fell onto the ground. Gasping, he began to panic, going to help her up but then bringing his hands back as if he wasn't sure if it was okay to touch her or not. Instead, a mess of words flowed from his mouth," I'm so sorry! I-I-I..."

"Its fine, Prince Alex, I assure you," she looked up, smiling at him as he nodded hesitating as he held a hand out to her.

"Thank you for being so forgiving, my Princess. A Prince shouldn't be such a mess as I...I do apologize," he helped her up, not letting go of her hand as he held it in his, bowing as he kneeled on one knee in front of her.

"Like I said, it is all fine. What are you doing here in the library anyways?" She asked with a small giggle as Alex stood straight, looking as if he was to drop dead of a heart attack any moment now.

"Well I was...I was looking for a book and then I saw you almost be hit by all those books and I couldn't just sit there so I went to help and...you know everything after..." he trailed off after realizing how quickly he spoke and how crazy he probably sounded.

The Prince ran a hand threw his hair, sighing while whispering something along the lines of 'dear goddess, what a mess I am' under his breath as (Y/n) held a hand over her mouth, giggling a bit. He looked up to her," this is the first time we've spoke to each other a conversion and I've messed it all up...how horrid. "

"We could start over again if you wish," (Y/n) offered as Alex smiled, nodding. (y/n) bowed her head to him," I am Princess (y/n), it is a pleasure to meet you..."

"Prince Alex and the pleasure is all mine," Alex bowed as the two looked to each other, laughing at how silly they both were.

Little did the two royals know, a certain hero was watching them from around the corner, glaring at the Prince as he spoke to (y/n). To tell the truth, he didn't know why he felt such hate towards him at the moment he just...did. It was a feeling that made him want to march out there and drag (Y/n) away from the Prince, not wanting her to be anywhere near the boy.

"I was wondering, Princess..." Alex looked down, thinking carefully of his words," My brother and I have been here at the castle for a week know however I still hardly know a thing about you. If it's alright I was hoping we could go for a walk in the garden or something like that. Y-You know, to get to know one and other more before we get...m-married."

"A walk around the garden, huh?" (Y/n) titled her head, thinking before a smile made its way on her lips as she nodded at him," I think a walk in the garden would be a great way to get to know each other."

"Alright then. H-How about this afternoon I can meet you at the garden arbor?" he offered as she nodded once more.

"I'll see you there."

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