Shuu x Yuma "if only he knew..." [Short Story]

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[A/N: This one shot may be a bit deep for some of you but, Shuuma is a deep ship it goes way back to their childhood in which they were good childhood friends, I will admit this is one of my top ships. Hope you enjoy~]

Shuu's P.O.V.

A new day, a new hour, seconds and minutes, their all the same. I was lying on my couch as I usually had done in the past however this time was different. My mind had been boggling over a certain Mukami that I just couldn't let escape my mind. His name, Edgar..or has most people know him...Yuma...

What ever happened to those fun times we had? Out by the bay we would watch as the sun would set, he would give me that cheesy smile of his and say that he thought I was alright. His apples were great, he mentioned growing them himself. I had wondered if he still had a garden. A soft chuckle escaped my lips in the memory of how stubborn he was when we last met. He scoffed at me again for simply just being there, too tired to move out of his way.

He doesn't seem to care much about me as he use to. If only he knew...

If only he knew the feelings I had felt the very day we met, or how every time I think of him I suddenly smile. I don't smile often but when it's about my dear Edgar, I can't help but smile.

I knew what I had to do, but how? I couldn't just go up to him and say "Hey Edgar remember me? That young boy you hung out with all the time?" We use to be best friends, so close. Yet every time I'm near him he always seems so distant, so far. I could feel the tears warming into my eyes in the memory. Edgar, the one I had thought I had safe and sound, however he doesn't seem to give a damn about me anymore as of the days we hung out. I let out a deep sigh in this memory longing, hoping, that someday. He could come to his senses and be mine. It would be just like old times, Edgar and I, me and Edgar, with the world at our fingertips. How I long for this moment with him. It was too silly to admit this aloud to myself but I had actually grown quite attached to Edgar. He was my best friend, even if he doesn't seem to care deep down, I believe he does. 

A quiet smirk came across Shuu's face as he thought about Edgar and how they use to have so many adventures, all before he had thought Edgar had burned down along with his hometown into the firey flames, when his days turned to blackness.

Today was the day, the day I would finally tell Edgar how I felt. How I truly felt he has a right to know. It may be chancing it but, for all I know he could feel the same.

Shuu then began to stand and Reiji gave him a slight glare then a smirk as he assured him out the door leaving with a nod he then began his teleportation to the Mukami mansion where he would find not only his childhood best friend, but also his deep and passionate love that burned so brightly, Edgar.

Yuma's P.O.V.

"Gah what a day" I said as I sat down on a chair with one of my legs up onto it. I cracked my knuckles, today was a great day for the garden many of my tomatoes were ready to harvest as well as corn, green beans, and some other vegetables. "Lets just hope the rabbits don't get into it again, tch they better not because they have no idea who their dealing with!!!" I raised my arm in exclamation and laughed a bit before sitting back down. My fangs crunched down into an apple slowly making a noticeable crunch sound as I chewed it savoring the flavor. As I was savoring this flavor a thought, no, memory occurred to me. Surprisingly, it was with that Sakamaki, Shuu. We were by the water and I handed him one of my freshly grown apples, he seemed like a nice guy all by himself, all alone, no one to hang with. Of course, this was all before I showed up and into his life. "Heh, that lazy ass! he's too lazy to even pick up his damn feet!!" I stated punching a window near me then my eyes softened. I'm usually not the one to admit this but to be completely honest, that sakamaki, I miss him. I miss that lazy ass of his always getting in my way so I can criticize him and demand him to move, yet he continues to sit there. "TCH! Whatever" getting up from my chair I tried to erase my thoughts. It wasn't possible, it couldn't be, Ruki would be so angry with me if I had ever told him the truth about Shuu and my thoughts. He was always so cute when he was sleeping...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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