"Shush!" Another man said. This one was also wearing a mask but he was on my left side, his wand pointing straight at me. I felt tears well into my eyes but my whole body seemed to be frozen stiff. The other man went to my right side. He also pointed his wand at me.

"Don't say a word otherwise we'll kill you." He growled. I didn't recognise these voices but I tried to nod. He murmured something I didn't hear and suddenly I could speak.

"Please... What do you want?" I just wanted to get out of this alive. I had my little girl and my little boy to think about. Severus... Where was Severus?

"Where is he, Lily?"

"I don't know! I haven't seen him!"

"We deserve blood. The boy killed Him."

"What are you on about?"

"Your son. Killed the Dark Lord. So WE want to kill him."

"He's a child!" I gasped.

"Do we look like we care?" The man on the left shook his wand, threateningly. "Tell us where Harry Potter is!"


"That's it. Crucio!" The excruciating pain hit within seconds. Hot burning pain piercing my skin, hurting... agony...

Suddenly the pain stopped and I heard a crashing noise. I kept my eyes squeezed shut. I didn't want to look anymore. Just let it be quick. Let it be over...

Another crash. Shouts of pain. Then silence.

"Lily!" Hands pulled me up into a sitting position. I opened my eyes. It was still dark but I could see that the coffee table was smashed from someone falling into it. Lying on the floor were two bodies. Severus was kneeling next to me, his wand in his hand and his hands shaking. He didn't pay any attention to that though, he had his arms around me and I collapsed against him, sobbing.

"Oh, Sev..." I cried.

"I'm so sorry Lily... I didn't know they had you... They must have been looking in the house for Minerva when they came across you. I don't think the Fidelius charm was broken... But I don't know why the other spells didn't work.

"God... I... I was in bed... I didn't hear anything though... Then I heard voices downstairs, male voices and knew it wasn't you. I sent patronuses to the Order and had to use a Disillusionment charm in case I was spotted. I have to keep my cover. I'm so sorry, Lil... So sorry..." He was still stroking my hair and rubbing my back when Albus, Minerva, Moody, Sturgis, Emmeline and Moony, who had just recovered from a moon cycle of werewolf burst in. Severus helped me up and Minerva and Emmeline took me into the kitchen where Minerva made a cup of tea and I told them, through tears, what had happened. Minerva was just as shocked as me by the end of it.

"But they were here for me... Why me? Surely take out the competition first?" Minerva seemed to say it to herself but Emmeline answered anyway.

"You are the competition, Minerva. We all are. But I see what you mean. I thought Moody would be next..."

"It's too obvious. The Death Eaters must know there's no point in harming either Moody or Dumbledore. They're too prepared for that type of thing." I murmured, wrapping my hands around my cup of tea. Sturgis and Moony walked in. Moony looked very pale, he always did after a cycle. Newly made cuts and scratches were on his face. Both men helped themselves to a cup of tea from the teapot on the table. Sturgis sat on the counter while Moony leaned against it.

"What's happening now then?" Emmeline asked them.

"Severus is all for killing them but it's better to wipe their memory of this and put them on trial. Dumbledore has taken their memories as evidence. Moody will send them to the Ministry. They'll be on trial this morning." Sturgis informed us all. As he spoke, Albus and Mad-Eye walked in. Albus patted my hand.

Always and Forever - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now