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Michela's POV

Its a Monday... great, I have potions first. I sat down in my assigned seat and pulled out my book. Remus sat down next to me and I ignored him. He sadly sighed and opened his book. Professor Slughorn said, "Okay since everyone is here, we are going to be making the drought of the living dead. If you complete it correctly, you win a liquid luck." I smirked...I would definitely need that in the future. I opened Sevy's book...he gave it to me a while back. I crushed the seed and Remus said, "You have to cut it," I rolled my eyes and replied coldly, "It won't work if you cut it," Remus was taken aback by my cold tone. I rolled my eyes and completed the assignment. Lupin finished after me since he tried to cut it but gave up so he crushed it. I smiled at Sluggy and he checked our potions....the only people who won was: Lils, Lupin, and I. I smiled at the liquid luck and carefully pocketed it. I should give it to Chiron. I left class and I walked with Lils to Muggle Studies...I don't even know why I took this...I know all about Mortals...uhhh....I mean muggles....heh heh...After that class finished, we headed to lunch...I was exhausted. Lils asked, "Are you okay?" I nodded and said, "Just a little tired is all." Alice said, "That Lupin is going to pay." I rolled my eyes at her and said, "Its fine Ally, I am good," I was not good...I was completely exhausted. Fab and Gid came to us and chorused in the weird separate word thingy, "Michela-" "You-" "look-" They chorused, "Horrible," I rolled my eyes and said, "Thanks guys."

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