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“Go on and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground. Like a skyscraper. Like a skyscraper. Like a skyscraper…” that was my funeral song. My favorite one and it will always will be. I used to be the quirky girl. My life wasn’t ruefully.  You could consider me super incredulous.  The girl who always thought vaguely. In a good way. I get compared to Marilyn Monroe often. Well that’s because I am or was her great granddaughter. I’m Mari soul Monroe. I’m not anymore because I’m dead. It was all because of that ornery girl. Lacey keeper. She was never aloof from anyone. Unlike me by choice.  It was freshmen year at Julliard. The best school ever. I wasn’t a student nor attended the school in any way. I was already famous like how my great granny was.  The first thing I heard when I walked into that school was “I hate you.” I knew who it was. The one and only lacey keeper. I always acted nonchalantly to her. We got into a few cat fights before started be me. “A well behaved women rarely makes history” – Marilyn Monroe.  It’s true you know. I was known for the quirky girl that could also throw a punch. Anyways back to my death. I think she’s jealous of me. Scratch that. She IS jealous of me. It wasn’t my fault she resignedly failed in every “talent” she has. When we were 12 I got a scholarship to Julliard to be a singer. At such an early age they let me in to test my singing to see if my level was comparable to my great grandmother.  The day before I left for the school lacey scratched my cheek. That was the first premonition. Second was that day I saw her at Julliard. I was in a music room alone. Getting ready to leave once and for all I was 15 then. She came in and threw a giant eraser at my head. They hurt a lot. Don’t laugh because if u think its harmless your wrong. Now here are number 3. Age 25. My life was going great. No flaws what’s so ever? Still the quirky girl everyone loved and new. It was just after my concert. After my cover of the song skyscraper by demi lavato. Before the murder of me. I went upstairs to the roof and just laid there looking at the big and little dipper. “golly.” I muttered. My eyes started to droop and before I knew it I was sleeping. Maybe half an hour past and I felt like I was wrapped in rope. I actually was wrapped in rope. My eyes flashed open. The first thing I saw was auburn hair with blond high lights. I started screaming for help but it was no use. Lacey was going to hurt me but I was wrong. “Don’t worry… This won’t hurt one bit.” She said in a miraculously evil voice. Lacey was right. It didn’t hurt one tiny bit. Within only a few seconds I died. There wasn’t pain at all. It was like I had impersonality problems.  Let me back it up for you. She stood me up and pushed me off the skyscraper. I don’t know if lacey suffered consequences, but ill admit I always thought I would be the hermit one out of the two of us but of well What I do know is that we all need to move on. It’s now my time. I leave you with these words…

 “We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.” “I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves. They didn't bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn't argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn't.”  “She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she was sad. And that’s important—you know ” “You never know what life is like, until you have lived it.”          

― Marilyn Monroe                        

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