teacher pet

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Teacher’s pet. Teacher’s pet. Teacher’s pet is all 9th grader Amy Morison hears. She’s heard it all her life. She’s been one in every class she’s ever been in. Now she’s in high school. When she walks down the halls teacher’s pet is what they say. That’s right they. I’m calling those people they. Anyways she would love to know why she is a teacher’s pet. The truth is every teacher that she has ever had even substitutes no something about her that others don’t. Where not sure what it is, but its something very intriguing I suppose. So I should stop talking and let Amy tell you how she feels by reading her diary. Don’t worry she won’t know she’s………….. well wait till the ending and you will find out why. Mwahahaha: D

Dear diary….

                The first day of high school. Wow I can’t believe how far I have come. To bad nothing really has changed. Teacher’s pet. The 2 words I h8 the most. Oh look it’s little miss teacher’s pet. That’s all I’m known as around these part, but not to my friends. They don’t mind being friends with a teacher’s pet. ive known them since 2nd grade when Nickolas Struder and his sister Nickolie Struder stood up for me when I was getting beat up while being called a teacher’s pet. Ugh I don’t even want to say it. I should just kill my self and all this would be over. It’s not easy being a sk8er girl when I can’t even sk8bored at the mall without being called those 2 words. So I half to leaf. Meeting Nickolas and Nickolie at hot topic to take  there little 12 year old sister Nickolen. She’s not the fake emo. That’s actually not really a word , but more of a genre of music and fashions. Trust me I know I am 1. By secret at least lol just kidding but my friends are.

                                                                                                Amy Sk8er girl

Dear my little black diary….

                I’m at hot topic. Its so cool. I always walked past here and went straight into areo pastel. but now i love this store. They have the perfect belts. Not that I need an e. and I love the ripped jeans.this is also Nickolen’s or Nick because that’s what we call her she says you shouldn’t half to waist your breath on saying her whole name. I don’t know shes a 6th grade wat will U expect from them. I also found out she has been a teacher’s pet her whole life. And told me 1 or her life long dreams. Well she only gave me a hint. 2 see wat its like is all she said. I was creeped out but she’s still coolish  I guess don’t really know. I  ½ to go so peacelyum .

                                                                                                Amy Sk8er girl

Dear my paint splat cover diary……

                I was in art class and I was called those 2 words. They say my diary and said “oh look little miss so and so has a diary.” And then they splated paint on it. 2 be honest it looks really nice and when they threw it back aming at my head I saw it looked at it and said cool you guys are the best they looked at me and steped away slowly and ran out of the door. Now I need to leaf. i’m going to Nickolas and Nickolie house. Or should I say mystifying castle it is a castle but the aunt says since there perents said it was a castle she dosent want to be reminded of there accident. That’s why Nickolas and Nickolie are emo in a creative expression showing way.

                                                                                Amy Sk8er girl

Dear my lost diary so I’m using a note pad………

                Note to diary- im sorry I didn’t mean to lose you. Its hard to hide you and I cant keep you at home the fish keep eyeballing u. and ill find u.

Um…..  O La yeah I no I spelled it wrong. Golly I haven’t written for months now. Its May and I haven’t written in my diary since January. So um wow awkwardness sighlentness. Oh yeah I hare crutches and a black eye. I got beaten up on April fools day when I was sk8ing to Nickolas and Nickolie’s house. Apparently its not safe sk8ing away from people from school in the rain while they were carrying sporks. Gosh I want this to end. There never going to stop R they? Oh well I have a plan to solve it but it would mean a great sacrifice.

                                                                Amy Sk8ter girl

Dear my finally found diary……

                OMN (oh my noodles) OMO (oh my orange) OM……( oh my ….um something random) I found my diary. It was in the girls room in a dark corner behind the door. I wonder why I haven’t noticed. It’s been months and its nearing June. Anyways my plan will be completed. Mwahahahahaha: D

                                                                                Amy Sk8er girl

Dear diary I know right there nothing special….

All will be revealed to my plan well not all but some ish. I gatherd all my special items which are my neon green beanie, a picture and lock of hair from Nickolas, Nickolie, and Natalie’s hair I know I just said Natalie but im wasting as much of my breath at the moment. Also I have my I pod and I phone, my favorite clothing, and this diary. These items will all be barried in the coffin along with adead body and with some of Nickola, Nickolie, and Natalie’s special belongings. Looks like its time to go peace out see u never.

                                                                                Love Amy Sk8er girl Morison

                If you haven’t caught it yet you must think harder. She died. She stabbed herself to get away from being called a teacher’s pet.  Every teacher she’s ever had miss her dearly and have quit their jobs and still have not told anyone the thin they knew that she didn’t . I don’t even know honestly. So that’s my story and the moral of the story is Treat others the way you want to be treated or else the person you hurt could end up like Amy. And Nickolas, Nickolie, and Natalie. Yes they followed her too. They will never stop at one person.

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