They arrived at the bathroom, looking at the splatter of red on their face in the mirror. They wasted no time washing it off. "That was weird. Do you think she's sick?"

Rose gave Tara a look of confusion. "You should be worried if we contracted anything from her. Who knows what she had. Call your mom and ask her if we're going to be okay." Her voice shook a little.

"You okay? I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." Tara said pulling out her phone.

"You know how I am about germs." Rose itched her arms until they were turning a bright red. Tara smacked Rose, causing her to stop. "Sorry."

Tara held her ear to the phone as she waited for her mom to pick up. "Honey, listen to me, stay at the school. Stay in a locked room. Keep yourself safe." Tara pressed the phone close to ear, trying to hear her mother over the screams in the background.

"Mom, what's going on? Are you okay?" She became scared for her mom. More screams and sounds of things breaking erupted in the background. "Mom?"

"Something weird is going on. Find someplace safe to stay! Now!" She screamed into the phone and the line disconnected.

"What the fuck.." Tara dropped her phone, staring off at Rose. "There were screams and things breaking. My mom said to find someplace safe to lock ourselves in.

"What's going on?" Rose became frantic, pacing back and forth across the bathroom.

"I.. I don't know." She looked clueless and felt helpless. "Lets go back to the gym and figure this out."

Both of the girls left the bathroom, walking down the hallway. Lights flickered until the bulbs busted, causing the hallway to become dark. "Tara." Rose grabbed onto her arm, digging her nails into her skin.

Sounds boomed through the hallway behind them. The sound of someone running. Goosebumps rose up on their arms and legs. She turned around to see a figure running at them, making an odd noise. Tara pushed Rose to the side as the figure tackled Tara to the ground. The person screamed in her face, trying to nip and tear at her skin. Tara pushed them off of her, but they forced their way back onto her. "Rose!" She shouted.

Rose pulled at the person, trying to yank them off of her. Eventually she succeeded and grabbed Tara, dragging her back to the bathroom. The person chased after them, screaming on the top of their lungs. Rose and Tara ran inside of the bathroom, slamming the door shut and locking it.






The person continued to slam their body against the door, clawing and scratching, trying anything to make their way into the door.

"What's going on?" Rose slid her body down against the wall furthest away from the door. Tears streamed from her eyes.

"That wasn't human. It growled or something like that at me!" Tara spoke mainly to herself. A shudder took over Tara's body, she shifted herself uncomfortably.


It continued at the door. A low growl echoed through the bathroom. Claws came from under the door, trying to push their hands through. The skin looked dirty with a mixture of burnt looking skin and bubbly warts covering the hand.

As the hand pushed further under the door, warts popped, a yellow puss seeping out. Skin tore off, bits of flesh falling onto the clean white tiles. Screeches came from the thing on the other side of the door.

Tara got up and ran to the door. She stomped on the hand, forcing it back on the other side.

No more noises came from the other side.

"Do you think it's safe?" Rose got up from the ground.

"I don't know." Tara stepped around the gunk left behind by the thing. "What was that?"

"Something evil." Rose suggested. "We can't stay cooped up in here, we have to go find help. People need to know something weird is going on!" Tara stood there, contemplating what to do. "I'm going with or without you." Rose walked passed Tara, opening the door. The light from the bathroom poured into the hallway.

"I'm coming with you." Tara decided, leaving the bathroom along with her friend. They nearly ran to the gymnasium to find it unlocked. Rose went to push the door open until Tara stopped her. "Something doesn't feel right. Why would the door be unlocked?"

"Lets find out." She pushed open the door to reveal a darkness. Growls simultaneously echoed throughout the gymnasium. Following that, sounds of running came towards them.

"Close the door!" Tara shouted, shutting the door and running off down the hallway with her friend. Tara tried to exit through the door to find it locked. "No. No. No." She beat her fists at the door out of frustration.

The gymnasium door busted open, several students and staff members running down the hallway in their direction. Tara grabbed Rose, dragging her down a different hallway to find herself at another locked door.

Screams and roars filled the hallways becoming louder.

"Come on, Rose." Tara looked at her friend then quickly let her go. Blood dripped down her eyes and mouth. A low growl coming from her. Parts of her skin began to sizzle, some flesh turning a black while most of the charred flesh began to droop down until it fell to the floor, revealing the contents under the skin. Her eyes grew dark, murky red color, she could no longer see any human resemblance in her friend anymore. "No.." The tears started to fall. "Not you too." A twisted smile came from Rose and she tackled her to the ground. Tara quickly pushed her off, running towards any unlocked classroom.

When she found one, she locked herself in, pushing her body against the door. Beatings on the door vibrated against her back. She closed her eyes listening to the sounds of the screeches and screams.

A liquid dribbled out of Tara's nostril. She reached up, touching it with her index finger. She looked at it to see the scarlet, gooey fluid.

Frantically, she reached into her pocket and dialed her mother's numbers. After several rings, it went to voicemail. "I don't know what's going on." Her voice spoke in a low whisper into the phone. The door behind her pounded against her fragile body. "Maybe whatever those things are out there have gotten to you too, who knows? I don't have much of a choice right now. Or time. I love you mom." Tara cried into the phone. "I'm good as dead." After her words, she hung up the phone and whimpered to herself.

Slowly, she got up and unlocked the door. She walked backwards, waiting for the door to open. Within seconds, the door went flying open and she braced herself for them to rip her apart. And they did.

Skin went falling to the ground, some ate it along with her intestines. Puddles of blood surrounded her dismembered body. They licked up every bit of the crimson juice to leave her body and ate anything they could get their claws on. All that was left of her was bones.

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.

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