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**Arbor Alexander's POV**

"Gracie! Stop chewing on that!" I yell at the dog as she chews on the corner of our coffee table. She's two years old and I still catch her every now and then.

"You still can't get her to stop that?" Erin laughs as she sits down on the couch, taking her sweet time now that her stomach has become so big. She's due any day now.

Her and Jay got married about a year ago, 6 months after Antonio and I did.

"Wait till your kid is chewing on your couch at two to judge me." I joke as Antonio hands me a glass of wine.

"My kid is hopefully going to be human so I doubt that'll happen at two years old." Erin giggles.

Antonio joins in next, taking a seat on the couch beside me and wrapping his arm around me. "Hey, I've raised two of them and they'll surprise you. Diego used to put the most random stuff in his mouth at two. It's hard to tell what your kid will put in his mouth."

Yeah, Erin and Jay are expecting a little boy. Antonio and I are the god parents and I'm so excited to be apart of their child's life.

Just then, the door bell rings.

"I'll get it." I tell Antonio before kissing him on the lips swiftly and jumping off the couch.

Gracie bounces after me, wanting to see who's at the door. I open it to find my dad, Hank, his girlfriend, Olivia, and her son, Noah on the other side.

Olivia was a Sargent in NYC before she was driven out and landed in Chicago. Politics in the Chicago Police department are bad, but New York is 10 times worse. She got so tired of it that she had Hank line her up a job and she moved out here a week later.

3 months after she moved here, Hank brought her to my wedding and they've been together ever since.

"Hey guys!" I say happily and give my dad a kiss on the cheek. "It's good to see you." I lean down and pick Noah up. "Boy you're getting big!" I laugh and so does he.

"I'm 7 years old now!" He chuckles and gives me a hug.

"You're getting too old!" I exclaim and kiss his hair.

"No I'm not." He giggles as I set him back down and he runs into the living room.

"Come on, guys." I lead them into the living room. "Dinner's almost ready." I assure them then walk by myself into the kitchen.

I'm getting the salad ready when Antonio comes in too.

"Hey, babe." He smiles at me and grabs my face in his hands. "I love you." He whispers and pulls me into a heated, deep kiss.

"What was that for?" I mutter breathlessly when he lets me go.

"Can't I kiss my wife when I want?" He grins slyly and kisses me again.

I drop the salad spoon I'm holding and wrap my arms around my husbands waist, pulling him closer to me.

"You're all mine after dinner." I growl with desire then take a step back and pick up the spoon.

Antonio sips on his beer with an expression of desire on his face. "I'm looking forward to dessert." He whispers in a husky voice then pulls another salad spoon out of the drawer and shoves it into the bowl of greens. "I'll tell everyone dinner is ready." He smirks then walks out the door.

'God I love that man.' I think to myself. I'm so lucky to have him and the fact that I get to spend forever with him is the best part of my life. I never knew love could be this filling, that life could have this much meaning.

But I found it. I found my home. He's 5'10 with dark hair, kind eyes and a heart of gold. His name is Antonio Dawson and as long as I have him, I have everything.



a/n; there it is guys!! I hope you enjoyed the books!!! <3

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