Day 1

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***Antonio Dawson's POV***

"Hey, Antonio, thanks for meeting with me." Dr. Charles says as he walks me into his office.

"No problem." I grunt and walk in. I sit down in the chair in front of his desk. "What's up?"

Dr. Charles sits down and leans back in his seat. He pears over his glasses at me. "I wanted to see how you're doing." He informs me as he crosses his legs.

"I'm good." I admit. "But I don't need my head shrunk today." I groan and go to stand up.

"Come on, Antonio." Dr. Charles objects. "I'm not trying to pull anything. I also want to talk about Arbor."

His mention of Arbor forces me to lean back and assume my position in the char. "Okay. What about her?"

He pulls out some papers. "She's doing a lot better than she was yesterday. Today when she was admitted to start her chemo, she talked to me. She doesn't seem to be showing any signs of having another personality. It's amazing actually."

"Yeah." I smile. "It is."

"Did she switch to her other personality at all in the past week?"

I shake my head. "No." I tell him and prop my ankle up on my knee. "She didn't. Every time I called her Arbor she responded. She didn't mention anything about Sandy at all."

"Good." Dr. Charles let's a small smirk appear on his face. He flips through Arbors file. "I'm almost positive that the other personality was an acute condition in response to the abuse she suffered."

"So you don't think it's ever going to come back?" I question hopefully. Clearing one of the many challenges that Arbor faces will be a relief to her, and to me.

"No, I don't." He announces. "Arbor will only be needing to meet with me for her depression."

"Well that's awesome!" I cheer, internally, I'm doing backflips I'm so happy. "Is there anything else you need me for?" I ask. "I'd like to go back and sit with Arbor since she's getting her first round of chemo right now."

Dr. Charles sits up straight. His posture is very erect and intimidating. "I really would like to talk with you about how you're doing." He states in a matter-of-factly manner.

I sigh loudly. I don't want to talk to a shrink, not at all, but he's being persistent. I might as well bite the bullet and talk. "Fine." I mutter, agreeing to speak with him about my personal problems.

"How has your relationship been with Arbor?" He asks as I slump down in my seat.

I shrug. "It's okay. As great as it can be for my girlfriend being kidnapped and raped for months." I spit with disgust.

"So you're angry?" He states with a quirk of his eyebrow.

I look at him and furrow my brow. "Well, yeah." I utter, completely annoyed. "Of course I'm angry! Why wouldn't I be angry! The woman that I fell in love with is fighting for her life and her sanity! It's not fair! She deserves more than this!" I shout and stand up. I can't help it when I lean over and scream in his face. "I was suppose to protect her and look what happened!"

"What happened?" He asks calmly.

I stand up straight. I can feel my face getting hot and the veins in my neck bulging out. "She's fucked up! She's fucked up and it's all my fault!"

Dr. Charles tilts his head at me as he looks up. He removes his glasses slowly. "What would you say if I told you this isn't your fault?"

"Are you serious?" I ask, feeling a little nauseas. I have to sit down to keep myself from falling over. I feel so dizzy. My hands won't stop shaking.

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