Roller Skating

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- 5 Months Later -

***Antonio Dawson's POV***

"Come on!" He shouts as he speeds up ahead of me. "We're almost there!"

I grit my teeth and fight through the pain. You're walking now. Remember that. You can walk again.

But the pain and weakness is too much. I collapse under my weight and Jarrod gasps.

"Shit, I'm sorry." My occupational therapist tells me as he runs for the wheel chair.

I roll my eyes and try to get back on my feet. "No! Jarrod!" I hiss between heavy breaths. "Don't you dare bring that wheel chair over here!"

"Come on!" He begs as he pushes what feels like a stroller to me. "You've walked half a mile today! That's amazing! Last month you could barely walk down the hall!"

I sigh and grab the hand he has extended. We successfully get me into the wheel chair and Jarrod grins at me.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrow at him. "Wipe that smirk off your face."

"Nope." He chuckles and grabs the back to push me.

"Don't push me!" I yell in a sudden burst of anger. "I'm not a child." I mutter as I realize how much of a dick I'm being.

"Fine." Jarrod shrugs and starts walking ahead of me.

I roll my eyes and start wheeling beside him.

"You're going to be out of here in a month." He tells me with absolute confidence.

I bite my lip. I know to not get my hopes up. I've gotten my hopes up too much in the past and I'm not letting it ruin my future. Ever since Laura threw me in this assistant living facility, I've learned that everyone lets you down. Not only did the bitch leave me, but she got me put in here. She wouldn't help pay for an at home health nurse and neither would my insurance, so here I am.

I also learned to give up hope on Arbor. Even though it kills me everyday I don't hear from her. I know that I'm never going to hear from her again.

"Do you want to go to dinner?" Jarrod asks me as he opens the door for me. It's June now and 75 degrees almost everyday. We go out to walk on the track everyday it's nice. I feel like Jarrod is the only person in here I can count on.

Only him, Gabby, Jay and Erin. They're the only ones who still come to see me. Gabby is here everyday she's not on shift while Jay and Erin come together whenever they can. They are the ones who keep me from going insane here.

Especially since Laura told me she will not let the kids come here to see me. I mean, I get to hear from them every now and then on the phone, but it's not the same.

It'll never be the same.

"Let's get dinner." I decide and turn left towards the dinning hall.

"Good." Jarrod chuckles and stuffs his hands in his pockets. "I was hoping you would say that."

We reach the dining hall and I wheel up to my normal spot. Jarrod does the usual thing and gets our dinner.

Jarrod was in the army and his MOS was military police, so he has a certain respect for me. He took a special interest in my case and promised me he wouldn't let me stay in here longer than I have to.

I come out of my thoughts when a girl in her thirties speaks to me.

"Is the food here any good?" She asks me while pushing he dark brown bangs out of her eyes.

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