Chapter 16

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Canley smiles and begins to trace patterns on Cullen's bulging biceps as they lay on her bed. His other arm is wrapped around her as she rests her head on his chest. His arm tightens around her as a phone rings yet again, "Not again," he mutters. "Can, just let it ring."

"Cullen, at least see who it is."

He groans and rolls over till he reaches the phone. Picking it up the breath he didn't know he was holding in escapes his lips, "It's just Jenny."

"Good," she mumbles laying her head back on his chest as he wraps his arms back around her. He kisses the top of her head and begins to trace hearts on her thin stomach. She squirms under his light fly like touch causing a smirk to slip to his lips.

"Can, sweetheart, why are you being such a rug worm?"

She giggles and rolls over so that she can gaze into his eyes, "You know why," she whispers.

He smiles and a mischievous look rests in his golden eyes, "Mm, maybe I do. If I do what are you going to do about it?"

She too gets a mischievous glisten in her eyes and pops her eyebrows up and down, "This," she mumbles her hand making its way to the back of his neck to hold his head in place. Taking her index finger she begins to move it fly like above his eyebrows then down the bridge of his nose. He twitches and she begins to giggle uncontrollably. He too begins to laugh and his hands find their way to her sides where they begin to tickle.

"Canley, I can't breathe from laughing at you," he says his words spaced out with heavy pants for air.

Her facial features immediately turn into a deep scowl and her hands fly to her hips. The laughter that filled the room is stifled to a mere smirk and a spark of tension flashes through the room. Cullen's smirk drops and he takes her hands from her hips, "You aren't mad at me, I can see it under that frown."

Keeping her sober face she yanks her hands from his and once again places them on her hips, "You can not!"

"Oh, come on Sweetheart, I was just playing with you and you know that."

She shrugs, "Maybe I know, maybe I don't. Either way I am not going to watch you laugh at me while I sit here."

He places his right hand in the air, "I solemnly state I will not laugh at you anymore."

She cranks into a fit of laughter and drops onto her side on the bed beside him. He too laughs and kisses her cheek. Just as he is about to close in on her soft pink lips Ashley begins to cry from her crib.

"You have got to be kidding me! How does she run on such little sleep?" He mutters moving from the bed to fetch her.

Canley sighs and also moves from the bed, "I'll warm her a bottle."

Her comment makes him chuckle, "That's probably a good idea." He smiles as Ashley's crying ceases when she spots him coming. She holds her hands out cooing softly. Picking her up he positions her on his shoulder, "Good morning little girl."

Taking her into the kitchen he can't help but imagine life like this with Canley and Ashley. The thought of waking up beside Canley everyday made him crazy with delight. Not to mention the kiss last night! She left him with a feeling he had never thought could possibly even be real.

Canley's voice pulls him from dreamland, "Here you go Ashley."

He cradles the little girl in the crook of his arm and takes the bottle in the opposite hand. Smirking slightly he pecks Canley's lips before she turns back to the stove. She giggles and kisses his cheek before starting a pot of coffee.

Gosh, I have to get a grip on myself before things aren't good! She thinks mentally smacking herself. Forcefully dumping the coffee into the filter she inhales deeply taking in the rich smell of the dark roast ground coffee beans.

"What would you like for breakfast?" She asks opening the fridge.

"How about biscuits with jam?" He offers.

She turns and smiles at him, "I don't have much left, but okay."

He raises his eyebrows, "You know what that means? When your shoulder gets better you get a whole week of free babysitting so that you can restock the storage with your mouth watering strawberry jam."

'When your shoulder gets better' This isn't just a game for him. She smiles, "I think I can handle that as long as you are keeping her in the same room so that I don't get lonely."

"I can for sure handle that job!" He declares then adds at a whisper, "I get to watch you all week, what more could I want?" She blushes deeply making him chuckle.

When Ashley is finished he burps her while watching Canley kneed the biscuit doe. She catches him watching and he smirks with a shrug. She shakes her head and continues with a smile.

Canley goes over everything that she has placed in the diaper bag so far. When she is satisfied that it has everything that Ashley could possibly need she places it on the tan couch in the living room. She then turns back to her room and smiles at the simple outfit she has laying on her bed. She slips it on before moving to her mirror were she applies a light coat of makeup and pulls out a piece of hair, leaving the rest down.

Cullen combs his hair while perching Ashley on his arm. He changes Ashley's diaper and puts her socks on before placing her on the blanket spread out in the living room floor. Tossing some toys to her he smiles and tickles her belly before checking the time. Just right, enough time to drop Ashley off and then get to the restaurant. Hopefully this is better than last night at the chiefs house!

Just then the sound of foot steps turns his head towards them. The saying about being speechless isn't fake. Cullen sucks in a breath and smiles, "You look like a million bucks!" He sweeps his gaze over her simple teal cap sleeve maxi dress that outlines her curves. She has completed the dress with a medium length heart necklace.


I know it is short, but I am hoping that the next chapter satisfies you.

So who is your favorite character and why?

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