Chapter 5

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Cullen lays in bed staring up at the ceiling. His mind kept going back to how much the past two years had changed her. Her biceps were no longer hidden, but now very visible and bulging with muscles. Although she never had been immature she has grown up a lot, in more ways than one. Her body has filled out and she had grown a little taller. He could tell that without her standing up. What caught his attention the most is the way she handled things, she wasn't the little sister that he always saw her as before. Not being able to stand the swirling thoughts anymore he gets up and heads down the stairs.

He finds his way through the dark and into the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge he looks out he window. He wanted to be hers, but what about Ashley? He didn't know a lot about babies, but he did know they take a lot of time.


How is this suppose to work out? I am so confused.

He prays silently as he makes his way up the stairs. He lays back in bed and finally drifts off to sleep.

Canley snuggles the baby that her world now revolves around to her. She had been taken off the IV and was most  likely going to get released tomorrow. Nothing sounds better, but then again everyone didn't exactly welcome Ashley. Maybe coming wasn't such a good idea after all. Perhaps when she got released she would just head back the way she came instead of going on to get more confusing stares from her long time friend and sympathetic looks from her parents.

She kisses the little girls fuzzy little head and glances to the floor where Ace lays on his side sleeping. The hospital had allowed him in since he was hers and well trained. It makes her feel more secure and he was delighted to let the old ladies and little children rub his head. She slowly drifts off to sleep Ashley sleeping cuddles to her side.

Soft crying startles her awake. She rubs the little back as she sits up ridding herself of the hospital covers. She grabs a bottle from the bag at the side of her bed and dumps the formula in. Then shaking it she coos to Ashley. When the milk is mixed in she gently puts the nipple in the baby's mouth instantly soothing her.

A knock at the door breaks her gaze from the bundle in her arms, "Come in," She calls softly.

Nurse Grace walks in smiling, "The beauty of babies."

Canley smiles, "They are amazing little humans."

"That they are. Do you need anything?"

"I think I'm good," She tells the nurse smiling. Grace nods and scratches Ace behind the ears before exiting the room. When Ashley has burped and fallen back asleep Canley lays back down and falls asleep herself.

The house is still quiet when Cullen rises at nine in the morning. He slips into a pair of his jeans and a clean button up shirt and grabs his keys. Once in his pickup he starts the engine and turns towards the hospital. He had to tell Canley what was churning in his mind.

When he pulls up he instantly sees the 2000 Dodge Dually she has had since she got her learners, but it's not just sitting there empty. Ace sits on the console and Canley is buckling Ashley into the back seat. He turns the engine off and jumps out. He rapidly walks up to her and leans up against the passenger side door, "And you are going where?"

She jumps her eyes nearly popping out of her head then seeing it is just him she shrugs, "Home."


"Don't act so innocent!" She snaps, "I can see right through you. You don't like me having a child to care for. Well, I wasn't all sunshine and rainbows about it at first either, but what else was I suppose to do? Throw her into the foster system? I don't thinks so-"

He cuts her off, "Here I was going to spill my guts to you, tell you that I didn't see you as a little sister anymore, but more and what are you doing? You're leaving, running away when you haven't even been to the house!"

"Maybe that's better, you won't even notice I'm gone," She spouts glaring at him.

He stares back, "What about your parents?"

She shrugs, "They don't like the Ashley idea either."

"Just come to the house. You don't need to be doing everything by yourself with a shattered shoulder," He tells her.

"And you became a doctor?" She challenges her good arm folded over her chest.

He smirks, "Since I got to this world, now come on."

"Fine." She gives in shutting the back door and walking around to the drivers side.

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