Keefe shrugged. "You're the one I want . . . to embarrass, of course."

Sophie laughed at his honesty. "I can do that on my own, thank you."

"Please, Foster?" he asked, still holding out his hand. His eyes seemed genuine and Sophie never realized before how saturated they were and she felt her heartbeat increase the slightest bit.

"Okaayy," she agreed, practically sighing, taking his hand lazily but still wearing a smile.

His trademark smirk made an appearance from his success and Sophie rolled her eyes as they started for the dance floor.

"If I step on your toes a lot, remember that you're the one who wanted to dance with me," Sophie said in advance as a new song started and they started dancing.

He laughed. "I'm sure my toes won't hurt that badly."

"I don't know about that," Sophie told him. "There was a reason that you wanted to name the Healing Center the 'Foster Center'."

He smiled. "That's true. . . ."

He twirled her before they continued on with the steps and swaying. Sophie couldn't help but notice how the twinkling lights above them bounced off of his blonde hair, adding alternating-coloured streaks in it.

"So what number am I?" he asked.

"Um . . . what?" she asked, getting brought out of her daze.

He chuckled. "On your list? You said I was on it, right?"

"Oh, um, right." She felt her cheeks turn pink—if he questioned it, she'd blame it on the lights, she decided. "Yeah, you're up there."

"Really?" he asked, twirling her again. This time her back pressed against his chest as they continued. "But what number am I?" he asked softly in her ear.

Sophie wasn't sure if she should answer. The space—or lack thereof—in between them and his face being so close to hers—even if he was behind her—made her nervous. Though, she wasn't feeling uncomfortable.

"What number am I on yours?" she countered, her voice also low.

He raised his eyebrows. "I asked you first."

"Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine," she compromised.

He chuckled. "Four."

All humour vanished from her expression and she stopped moving. She turned around to face him with wide eyes. "What?"

"You're my number four," he said with a whimsical expression.

"O—oh," she let out. "I'm that high on your list?"

"Yeah," he said softly, his icy eyes looking into her chocolate ones. "You are. And a deal's a deal, Foster."

"Right," she said, looking away as they started dancing again. "Um . . . you're my . . . um . . . number two."

He laughed. "Wow. Guess I'm always going to be second to Fitz."

Sophie's cheeks turned even redder and her flux of emotions made Keefe raise a single eyebrow in question.

"Wait, he is your number one, right?" he asked.

When Sophie answered by just staring at their feet he let out a breath.

"Wait. Seriously?" he asked. "I'm higher on your list than him?"

Sophie managed a weak nod and he smiled.

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