Chapter 13

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Gohan just sat on the floor panting lightly. He really did over work hinself, even if it was for a really short time. He honestly didn't think it would take that much out of himself.
"Gohan, sweetie you need to lay back down. Your only gonna hurt yourself more." Bulma said with worry in her eyes. "Let me help you back into bed" She said, gently helping Gohan back onto the bed. Bulma smiled softly brushing his hair out of his eyes.
Gohan flinched a bit from the touch. He was way to upset and angry to be dealing with bulma trying to comfort him.
"Just... leave me alone bulma. I'm dealing with enough already. I don't want to deal with anybody. I kinda just want to go to sleep" Gohan muttered.
"But Gohan I have to either fix your tail or kill the ba--"
"Dont you fucking dare say anything like that about my baby!" Gohan yelling glaring at her angrily. "Either you go with everybody else or I will."
Bulma just sighed and pushed people out of the door, going out herself after everybody was out.
Gohan just laid their in his self pity. He still can't believe Vegeta did that to himself and his father. Like what the fuck? How could a person do that. I never thought vegeta would stoop so low... guess you can't trust people anymore. Learned that the hard way. At least Black never really cheated on me. He just kept with me and only me.
Gohan just looked over at the window. Seeing the snow flurry outside. Oh how he missed going outside. Even if it was cold he still missed it. Being locking in a castle for a year sucked. He could never go outside. It was forbidden and if he even tried to he would be punished. He really wanted to go outside, so he did just that.
He crawled out of the bed spite being hurt and weak, made it to the window. Wrapping his blanket around him and quickly putting his shoes on. He opened the window. Instantly a cold breeze shot into the room. Gohan shivered but he was determined to be outside. He slowly climbed out of the window and outside into the bitter coldness.
He had been outside for over 2 hours now, he had gotten lost somehow. He teeth were clattering, hid whole face was red from the clod, and he was shaking like crazy.
Finally he could see something in the distance, but he couldn't make out what it was. It was only a big blur, but that was because of the blizzard that he was currently stuck in. Honestly he wouldn't care if it was Blacks kingdom. Black treated Goham better anyway. Well he had been... probably because he was carrying Blacks child now. Hopefully Black would take him in... give him food, water, a warm bed, and some medicine for the cold that was coming on. He was already coughing like crazy.
It was maybe an hour later before Gohan finally got to the gates of the 'blur'. Sure enough it was Blacks kingdom. Gohan gently knocked on the big doors.
A coulpe of minutes later Zamasu opened the door with a smirk. Behind him was Black, the man obviously wasn't to happy at the moment.
"Get the fuck in here." Black growled, as Zamasu grabbed Gohan's arm yanking him in the room. Black instantly saw the broken tail Gohan was dragging around.
"put him in a regeneration tank, I don't fucking have time to deal with him." Black said with disgust in his eyes.
Gohan flinched looking down upset. Of course Black would hate him. Zamasu probably told some shit lies to the man just to get down his pants.. . Zamasu roughly shoved Gohan down a hall and to the regeneration tanks. The man shoved Gohan into a tank after ripping his clothes off. Now Gohan was naked, sick, hungry, pregnant, and hurt in a tank. He was not a happy camper.
The tank started to fill up with the green healing oozes. Gohan felt himself starting to slip into unconscious.
"Oh crap baskets..." He said before passing out.
Black was currently sitting in his throne. He was pissed. How dare he come back into his kingdom after leaving! Zamasu told Black that Gohan had been fucking around with other people where he was. He actually thought Gohan had started to like him.... it hurt Black even though he wouldn't show it. Well not in the upset way, more like in the anger way. He would make Gohan's life a living hell, more then it already is. The little whore would pay for everything. Black smirked after thinking about his new attack plan. He would take them all by surprise. Oh yes, this plan would really make Gohan pay.
FINALLY! I actually made a chapter for once! Merry Christmas everybody, hope you have a good one! Also hope this chapter was good, sorry if it wasn't. ^^

Gohan, The Slave of BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora