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"Let's talk about Johnny" Angelina spoke, fixing her glasses
We've known Johnny since we where kids so I was already prepared for anything she was going to ask. I sat back, and waited
"How long have you known Johnny? When did you meet?"
"I've known Johnny since forever. Since birth really. He's never switched up. Never made us question him. Always helped up when nobody else wood. Johnny is my brother. I really miss his brother though"
"Brother? I thought he was An only kid"
"He was"
"Well what happened?"
"Johnny had an older brother named Jason. Jason was only a few years older. So around brads age. Johnnys mother was the nicest and his father was absent. Whenever we had trouble at our house we would always go to johnnys. Until one year johnnys mom died and both he and Jason were put in a foster home separate. Johnny got lucky with some very nice atheist. Crazy right? They where free spirit and basically let Johnny do whatever and be whatever. Very supportive. Jason on the other hand got sent to some strict catholic people. They where very mean and stern. They even punished Johnny the old fashion way. The husband was a priest and they even owned a church. But that was all a cover up. The priest would rape Jason for almost 4 years straight until he gave up and killed himself." I said barely holding back tears. My heart ached like it did back when I found out about all of this. My heart was still and stunned all within seconds. How could something happen like this and most of all, how could it happen to someone i actually knew and loved?
My eyes met with Angelina and she had her hand to her heart with tears tempting to fall out. Looking at her only made me want to cry more.
"I'm, im so sorry" was all she could get out.
"It was a long time ago" I said. Just recalling
"Jason was just a kid, he was so young. Johnny felt all alone with out his mom and brother. All he had was us in reality and we already had a million problems of our own."
But that didn't matter. We would still be there for him because that's how he was for us.
Plus he was use to drunk Jared and crying Lana anyways.
Flash back
"Andrea?" My heart raced as I starred the love of my life in the eyes. It made no sense to me. How could it be. I watched her body get lowered into the grave. I watched her family cry around her funeral. I watched as the school had their own personal memorial for her. I was there, everyone was.
"Dylan" she said plainly. Tears rushed down her eyes and before I knew it she was running up to me. I had so many questions but the kiss was well over due.
I had to break it
"How? I- I thought you where dead" I spoke choking up
"I saw them bury you Andrea you where suppose to be dead"
"I'm not. I wanted to still have my baby but my father was against it. He started beating me badly and it got to the point where the baby's life was at risk. So I planned to leave him" she spoke recalling everything carefully for me.
"He lost it when he found my packed bags. After he had beaten me for what seemed like forever, he flew me off to stay with my mom with the baby. I didn't know he was telling everyone I was dead until I saw the news paper. That's when we came back."
"She? So this is your mom?" I said looking at the older lady that was cleaning and wiping everything off. She was so professional about it, I started to think she had done this before. Or maybe she was planning this for a long time. My thoughts quickly reverted back to Andrea. The baby

"Andrea where's the baby?" Now looking at her flat stomach.
"She's okay, she's with my Grandma"
"She?" I said with the biggest smile on my face
"Yup a Girl. Her name is Elizabeth but we call her Lizzy" she spoke in awe. I was truly happy about everything until I realized what situation we were in. Here we are trying to catch up and there's a dead body right there in the middle of us. I guess Andrea kinda felt my spirit being off because her eyes left from mines and to the body.
"It had to happen Dylan, he tried killing me and Lizzy"
I nodded trying to wrap my head around everything
"What are we going to do?" I asked pacing back in forth trying to figure out how we were gonna get rid of his body without being caught.
She thought for a min, looking back and forth between her mother and I. Finally someone spoke up
"We can chop his body up and walk him out in pieces." Her mom spoke.
"Do you guys already have the stuff for that" I spoke somewhat entertaining the thought.
"No but we can get it"
"We need more people"
I nodded. I knew there was only one group of people I actually trusted in a situation like this and I would be stupid to not get them.
"I have plan"
After leaving the motel I quickly made way back home to get my brothers. After a hour of explaining and going through the events the boys reluctantly joined us at the hotel
The moment they got sight of the body, they all reacted differently. Brad was already gearing up. Paul was throwing up and freaking out. Leo was crying and confused, and Cole was too busy questioning Andrea and her whereabouts.
"Okay guys we have to get down to business" Andreas mom spoke while also gearing up. She threw gloves to everyone and face masks to hinder the smell of death that leak through the room.
"Grab his legs so I can chop"
I said a quick prayer and did as told

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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