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Cole's Pov
"She did Love us, at some Point in time." I said, Leaning up to Flick the ashes off my cigarette and Leaning back to get comfy.
"She was The Most Beautiful Person Ive Ever Seen. Like a Flower. A Lotus Flower. You ever seen those?"
"I have, Actually" My therapist Spoke, Writing down Everything I spoke.
"Cole How Old are you Exactly?"
"19, 19 Years old"
"How old were you when your mom first Became addicted to drugs?"
I thought for a Second and took another puff out of my cigarette. I tried hard to forget that part of my life, but I knew these where questions she had to ask. I did agree to this after all. I thought hard but it came to me.
"The first time I seen it, I was 4. This was before Zack was Even alive. She stopped during her Pregnancy With Zack because My father Loves his boys. He only Loved boys. Once Zack Was Born, It was Back on The Pipe, She went"
"What do you mean by, He only Likes Boys"
I gave a Little Laugh.
"He Made my Mother Become a Prostitute. We where happy with This Job because She would always bring us Home Gifts, foods, and Anything we wanted. As kids, none of us knew that this ment she would have to sleep with Various men. Only Brad, Leo, & Paul where Aware. Oh and Our Best friend Johnny. He was Leo's age and He always Came around. One day My mother Was Raped by one of her "Clients" & she became Pregnant. We where going to keep it, until we found out She was a Girl. My father was Livid. He wanted all boys. He didnt make my mother kill her Because he wasnt that "cruel" to babies. Instead, He gave Her way."
"How old where you when this happened?"
"I wasnt born yet. Paul was Only a Baby."
"Have any of you found her?"
"Yes. She Goes By Winona These days. Johnny Found her. Theyre Married."
"I could imagine Your happiness"
"Yeah. He met her at a Bar a couple years back. I wish My mother wouldve gotten a Chance to meet her."
"Wheres your mother"
I looked at the Therapist and at the Window behind her. I stood up and walked over to the Window to stare out of it. I smiled once I seen My mother Sitting on a Bench, smiling at me. She waved and I waved back.
"She died a few months ago"
"Im so sorry"
"Dont be. Shes still here with me."
"You know, you never asked me about my brother, my twin Brother"
"Will you tell me about him"
"Yes. We think very alike. We did everything together. He was my bestfriend In the House. My everything."
"Are you two Still close?"
I looked at her and Stared for a few seconds. I then made way over to a shelf with Whisky on it. I grabbed the nearest glass and poured a cup. I took a sip and then started to down it.
"Would you like a sip Doc?"
"I would Like for you to keep talking" she said with a smile.
I laughed to myself and Spoke.
"No. Not anymore"

Flash Back
"Say CHEESE!" I said Running up on Paul. He was Standing by some lockers with Some of His buddies. They all did a silly pose at the Camera. I one day wanted to be a Famous Photographer but first I needed a better Camera.
I smile and Started walking more through the halls. I spotted Dylan talking to some girls.
"Dyl, Pose"
"Cmon Cole" He spoke Irritated.
"Please. Just one Pic."
He force a Smile on his Face and Then posed. As I zoomed in on the camera to Make it focus more on Him, I spotted someone Behind him. She wasnt Just Anybody. She was, beautiful. I started walking Around Dylan to get a Better View. She Noticed Me and Started to smile. I focused the Camera and Took a Picture.
"Hi, Im Cole"
"Hello. I am Taylor. Are you some kind of Photographer?"
"No. Well, not yet"
"Well. Mr.Future Photographer, if youre gonna take pictures of me, I want you to get my good side." She Smiled and Looked down at her Schedule. A confused Look started to Spread across her face.
"Do you need Help?"
"Actually, Yes. Can You Show me How to Get to Ballenbakers Class?"
"Thats Just Where I was Heading"
"Ill take that as a Yes" She said, smiling. I smiled back. I felt a Shove and Someone Start to Mess my hair up.
"Hey Little Brother" Brad said, Picking me up and Spinning me.
"Put me down, you piece of shit"
He laughed and Roughly put me down.
I felt a Arm go around me
"Oh chill Out, We are Just having some Fun" Leo Said, Laughing.
Johnny Just stood and In Watched With His Arm around Winona. At the Time, we had no clue she was Our Sister.
"No you guys are being assholes" I spoke, annoyed.
"Whatever. Who's this?" Braid Said, Referring to Taylor.
"Im Taylor."
"You new?" Johnny Spoke. Even though His tone seemed like He Didnt care.
"Yes. Now can You guys move along."
"INCOOOMING" we Herd Zack Yell.
We turned around and Some rich kids where chasing Zack. Brad quickly grabbed one and shoved Them against the Locker. The Rest ran off.
"Are you Little Wussys Messing with My Kid Brother?"
"Doesnt seem that way" Brad Spoke, Still holding the Rich Kid by his Shirt up against The Locker.
"Tell your Little Shit of Friends, I will stab each and everyone of them, if you assholes keep messing With Any of my Kid Brothers, got it?"
"Got it" The Rich Kid spoke, Basically pissing his pants.
Brad smiled and Quickly Threw Him on the Floor hard.
I looked over a Taylor and She had a Shocked Look on her Face.
I grabbed her hand Forced her away from all of that.
"Sorry you had to witness that"
"Its fine. I respect how your brother sticks up for you guys. Your lucky"
"I wouldnt consider us Lucky but thanks."
"Hey cole?"
"Do you have a Date to The School dance?"
I smiled and Looked down.
"I do now"

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