first date Michael

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You were at a pet store Trying to find a new pet for your new house. Yoy were looking a the kittens when yoy met him.
Yoy met Michael clifford now yoy going on a date with him. The day is today yoy have no where yoy are going but he told yoy nor to water anything that yoy want to get dirty. (oooooh 😜)

So yoy decided to wear a grey and black jacket with skinny Jeans some boots. ( as seen to the picture above)

Michael is going to pick you up at 5:30pm it is 5:29pm you were waiting just kn of the door you were so nervous. He knock on the door you wait a bit so it doesn't seem weird.

You open the door and see him looking like he does everyday. You walk towards his car and go inside "so where are we going" you say " I'm sorry but yoy ha e to wait and see" he says so toy just look out of the window.

"you look beautiful y/n by the way" Michael says and you blush and he noticed.

You were going down into a car park and you noticed where you are at the zoo. You scream and start running off Michael catch up to you. You try to pay for yoy ticket but he wouldn't take it. You and Michael walk around the zoo holding hands.

"Michael how did you k ow I like animals" you say and yoy release what you just said " Y/N really we met in a pet store " then you both start laughing until yoy saw you too favourite animals in the distance and run over to the dolphins there so cute. They also git the weirdness out of you. So you tried to prented your a dolphin to Michael starts to join in with not caring about everyone eles. You also went over to the penguins "look Michael they look like there wearing little suits" you laugh. Michael decided that yoy getting very giddy and took yoy home.
Michael walked yoy over to the door yoy turn around and say " Michael this day has been amazing you even excepted my weirdness thank you" he then kisses you on the lips " see you again soon Y/n" he says and goes to the car. You go inside and scream because you have been kissed by Michael Clifford. Second later you get a text from him say I heard yoy scream you smile then go to bed.

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