Skyping while hes on tour

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"You look so adorable in my tshirt" He said while lying on one of the beds of the tour bus, You were skyping not long after the boys had got off stage. He always felt bad for waking you up but you didnt mind because you knew that after talking to him you would fall asleep with the biggest smile. "Thank you babe but really its not the same as you wearing it" you yawn " He smiled I miss you and love you so much I wish you could be on tour with me and the boys they miss you too" You let out the biggest smile "Tell the boys I miss them too the flat really isnt the same without you all and I love and miss you more than anything too hemmings but I really need to go my laptops going to die" As you blow him a kiss the Laptop shuts down.


It was never really just you and ashton when you were skyping because it was always after a show so of course all the boys were going to be around but this was you and ashtons 6month anerversiry so you were hoping that he would tell the boys to leave and he did "HAPPY 6MONTHS BABY" which instantly gave you the biggest smile" "and the same to you ash,I love and miss you so much more everday" "Counting down the days babe its not long now I have the best surprise for you when uour back,but for now im going to sing you off too sleep to celebrate our 6 months" I blow a kiss and he then starts singing moments by one direction which was cute because we met eachother during this song at a one direction concert which made me fall asleep thinking of ome of the best nights of my life...


"Cal I miss you so so much" you scream as soon as you seen his face pop up on the screen, He laughs "well I miss you more cutie" and he pulled the most adorable faces making you laugh "You will be home soon right? isnt the first part of the tour over" you say with excitment he didnt awnser and you could tell he was moving before you could say anything else you felt arms wrap around your waist "Guess who's home early"he says And you just plant the biggest kiss on his lips


"CMON CMON CMON" this was a typical skype call between you and michael the typical him playing play station while you try get his attention but you knew how to with a mention of some new game he would turn and chat about it forever "Yay now I have your attention guess whos getting on a plan too come see my gamer boy tomorrow" and his reaction would have to be the funniest thing ever "YOU BETTER NOT BE JOKING WITH ME" he screamed "well clifford you will just have to wait and see" you winked and instantly ended that call.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2014 ⏰

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