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Summer 2016
England London

On a summers day your packing your bag for a new home a new life and a new school today you were saying your final goodbyes to your mates and you headed home to pack for the long trip ahead.

Mum:" come on we're going to get in the car."

Y/n:"I'm coming now I can't wait."

As you close the door you start to cry wishing you could be with your friends but your leaving to go to another town you get in the car and close the door and of you went you pulled out your phone messaging everyone about this new school on your phone these girls started messaging you calling you awful names so you turn your phone off and ignore them.

New home

As you get out the car you look up at the house
Y/n:"it's so massive, do we live here?"

Mum:"ye but it's worth the money."

You run into the house you gasp at the amazement of the house.

Y/n:" can I pick my room?"

Mum: " of course you can but make sure you unpack and go bed early you have your new school in the morning."

As you unpack and get wrapped in your covers in bed you feel uneasy about school at first you thought it would be a blast but them girls that are bullying you over the Internet might be at this school will probably make it hard for you to make new friends.

New School

As you wake up to the sound of the alarm blaring out you smell toast and bacon being cooked just like home as you head down the spiral staircase you see your mum cooking she smiles at you and carries on cooking

Mum:"morning here is your breakfast you have a big day ahead of you

Y/n:"thanks mum."

You start to eat your breakfast fast and you ran upstairs to get ready into your new uniform as you run down your mum sees you and starts to cry.

Y/n:"what's up mum?"

Mum:"it's just that your my baby girl and your all grown up now looking smart."

You walk up to your mum and give her a big hug and kiss her on her cheek.

Y/n:"I love you mum you know that don't you."

Mum:"I know baby girl go on and show this school who the l/n are."

Y/n: " don't worry I will."

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