Demonic Possession

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Darkness started to cloud my eyes. My vision was being covered and all I could see was death. I passed out cold. My pulse slowed down so much that it could not be felt. My heart wasn't beating normally. I felt so nauseous and weak that even though I wanted to throw up and get the feeling out, I couldn't. My body wasn't cooperating.

My breathing had been drawn in short. Was I dying? No. How could that be? Just as I had thought of such terrible things, my eyes burst open. I panicked. Not knowing where I was I jumped and got up from my lying down position. It was too quick for my head that it made me dizzy and my head was spinning. I had to lean on my legs and get a hold of myself.

After a while my stomach started to feel a little better and my vision began to be clear. I looked around and found myself in a cell. I tried to walk to the door but my arms and legs had been chained to the wall. I didn't understand what the hell was going on. I started to feel nauseous again. I sat down to refrain from gagging.

I took a deep breath. I knew it wouldn't help any to go crazy and panic in this situation. I had to grasp, first, the meaning of the situation that I am in.

"Hey you!" I turned my head swiftly to the possessor of the voice. It was an old man, well not that old but he is around the age of my father. Or would be if he wasn't dead. I took a better look at him. His legs were crushed and sprawled on the floor next to him. They were so deformed. My stomach started to churn a little.

Painful memories started to creep up from the back of my mind. I was falling. "Hey kid?! Can you hear me?! Wake up!" The man's loud and forceful voice had snapped me out of my daze. I look over at him. He is in the same position that I am in. "What...what is it?" My voice was hoarse. The burning sensation of it almost brought tears to my eyes. What had happened when I was out cold? "What's up with that mark on your arms? It's pretty crazy for a young girl like you to have a tattoo like that."

My eyes widen with shock. I looked at my arms. The old man was right the marks were crazy but, it wasn't a tattoo nor was it going to go away anytime soon. I wanted to scream. This was all too real. These marks, they are the sign for my demonic powers. My nightmare wasn't just a nightmare after all. I brought my hand painfully to my face. Tears started to form in my eyes. How could my father do such a thing to me. Why did he place such a huge evil power inside me?

"Hey are you alright?" I looked up at the old man who was speaking. He looked genuinely worried. I wiped away my tears. "I didn't mean to open up something touchy, I'm sorry." He said looking down at his legs. They were in terrible shape. They had basically been shredded to pieces. I looked at them in horror. What could have done that. A sharp pain hit me, I realized that I was capable of doing such a thing. My nausea got stronger.

I covered my mouth holding back a hurl. This place was filthy and dirty as it was there was no need to had my revolting demonic hurl in here as well. The old man looked up at me and realized what I was staring at. His eyes became sympathetic. "Heh, it's not as bad as it looks you know." I looked at him and he gave me a small smile. "I barely felt a thing when it happened," he turned back to his legs, "but I guess it is a very nauseating sight. I don't blame ya for feeling sick at the sight." I removed my hand from my mouth, swallowed down what ever wanted to come back up and out into the open and shook my head.

"I'm sorry that wasn't what made me sick. I was thinking about what could have done such a thing. I didn't mean to be rude." My voice was feeling slightly better. It was still a little hoarse but I feel like I would just need to wait and moisturize my mouth a little bit.

The old man looked at me with surprise and then kindness. He had a small satchel sitting next to him. He rummaged through it and pulled out a small bottle. He tossed it to me. "Here maybe that will help you." I caught it and looked at him with confusion. "What is it?" I ask. There was some sort of liquid inside by the sound of it. "He chuckled it water mixed with a special herb. It will help with the pain in your throat." I looked at the small bottle and back at the old man. "Are you sure?" This man was awfully kind. He nodded and I opened the bottle to take a small gulp.

Demonic PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now