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Natsu and i entered the guild hall but natsu being the destructive pyro he is punched the doors open. He then proceeded to yell at a guild mate about how the salamander that he said was gonna be in hargeon was a fake, But me being me tuned out. Suddenly a beautiful white haired woman approached me.

"Hello are you new, my name is mirajane but you can call me mira." 

"  wow your so pretty, my name is lucy . if i may ask are they always like this ?   "

"ohhh yes there always like this but its more fun this way." 

As she said that a table hit here on the head 

"noooooo mira don't die" 

~~le time skip~~

So lucy where would you like your guild mark asked mira

"hmmm on my hand pink"

" Hey natsu look i got my guild mark" 

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" Hey natsu look i got my guild mark" 

"Yeah awesome lugi"

" Natsu its lucy, my name is lucy l-u-c-y"


come on master its been a week and he still hasn't come back please 

No maco is capable to take care of himself, NOW GO HOME AND DRINK SOME MILK AND COOKIES AND GO TO SLEEP


~~Back to lucy and natsu~~ 

damm.... mumbles natsu and punches the wall .Don't worry Romeo i'll find maco 

"Hey natsu can i come along ? " 

sure why not 

~~ and so they set of to Mount hakabe~~


so sorry i didn't  update sooner also sorry for the short chapter so in return i'm gonna give you extra info when lucy relases magical energy a flower crown appears  because of her one of her secret abilities 

so sorry i didn't  update sooner also sorry for the short chapter so in return i'm gonna give you extra info when lucy relases magical energy a flower crown appears  because of her one of her secret abilities 

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i love you guys and thank you :3

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