Chapter 1: The road to Tyre

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It was close to midnight when they stepped through the front doors.

This particular tavern wasn't the type of place they normally wanted to enter because it sometimes gathered the filthiest and most despicable scum in the region, but the freezing cold outside left them no other choice. Another hour in that blizzard and frostbite would have become a serious threat. Plus this was a travellers' tavern, situated midway between two distant towns. There were no other options around except the horse stables next to it.

"Ugh... what a smell," Callisto said, covering her nose in disgust as soon as she took a first step inside.

"Better this smell than a bone-chilling death," Titania replied, shutting the door behind them.

The place was repulsive in many ways, challenging much more than the olfactory senses, but it was also warm and it provided the necessities for the night. The only question remaining was about safety.

Several pairs of eyes took notice of their arrival, but most patrons were too drunk or too busy with their ale and warm meals to spare a look. The sisters kept their cloaks and hoods on, hoping that would ward off any unwanted attention.

Before proceeding forward, Titania took a mental note of how many people were there, how many were human, and how many of them were visibly armed. It was one of the many habits she had picked up out of necessity over the years, and one of the many habits that had kept her and her younger sister alive for so long.

She counted roughly thirty guests, all human as best she could tell, most of which were already asleep, bellies full and sprawling on the floor or face down and snoring on their tables. The atmosphere was still lively, despite the late hour, due to two remaining groups of noise-makers.

The first group, seated at the largest table, was of eight merchants that were merrily drinking and joking. One of them had recently received news that his wife had safely given birth to his third son, which was always a cause for celebration in the Empire of Tynnvrosil.

The second group, seated at a smaller table in the far corner of the room, was of four men, all wearing the same type of armor and carrying steel swords, except for one, whose armor seemed a bit fancier than the others'.

Seeing that many swords made Titania reconsider the option of going back into the cold.

"They're protectors." Callisto whispered in her ear. "We're safe here."

Titania was unconvinced. "Are you sure about that?"

"Have I not memorized all six Empire Tomes when we were still children?" Callisto replied with a smug face. "See that small symbol embossed into their shoulder plates? That's the Seal of Rin and it's worn only by protectors of the law of Rin, which is the divine law of this Empire; from the shores of the Atlantic in the east, to the shores of the Pacific in the west, nobody dares to challenge this law unless they are looking for a swift death. And the law of Rin protects all non-violent humans, like us."

Titania conceded the argument. She had the highest faith in her younger sister's cerebral acuity. Callisto had never been just a pretty face, she had always had the brains to match the beauty. Sometimes Titania envied her sister for these two qualities, but her love always outweighed her envy. After all, Callisto was all the family she had left.

They made their way towards the bar, where a long-bearded old man was masterfully picking his nose. The sisters naturally suspected this man was the owner of such a fine establishment.

As usual, Titania was the one to do the talking.

"Can you spare a room for the night?" she asked the bearded man, observing that two of the four key hangers behind him were still waiting for customers.

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