Chapter 4: Day's without him

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Authors Note: Well... HAPPY EARLY EARLY NEW YEARS ! (: I decided to do a holiday update for you lovely people since I have neglected this story for far too long. I'm sorry my lovelies 😭. Ill make it up to you somehow. But sooner or later I'll get into the rhythm of this book again. So thank you for the readers who still read it ! (: there are grammar mistakes and I know it sucks right now, but I will go through and touch up and even redo chapters if I must. Butttttt I hope you enjoy it. Now, time to start the story.. Here we go (:
It had been a few days since Alex had left. When I was with him the world looked brighter, like maybe I was given another chance in this life, almost like the day that I was in the hospital bed.

I remember that day like it was yesterday...

When I had awoken after the incident; the night before, it felt like the world around me was crumbling. My body didn't feel like my own. I felt like crying, screaming, getting away from everything. It wasn't something I could comprehend at the time. Neither could Alex, and even though he seemed to be in as much pain as me, he had catered to me and taken care of me with a smile on his face.

He would come to me and hug me when I asked him to. He was my support, he was always there. He never left me, not even for a minute. He babied me to the point that I became selfish with him. He's the only person I wouldn't let anyone have.

Thinking back on it now I don't think I had moved past that point, like somehow I was still stuck in this state of disbelief, hatred, and selfishness.

The pain only ever really eased when Alex was with me, by my side. Whenever someone got close to me I would panic. Alex is the only person that I really trust... Now that he's gone I feel that my mental support has left me. It's a void that can't be filled by just anyone or anything.

Knowing that I'm alone makes me uneasy.

Shaking my head of the depressing thoughts, I decided to not think about the topic. Opening the desk drawer to the right of the bed, I grabbed a lighter that was lying inside and lit the candle that had been sitting atop the dresser.

The aroma slowly filling my room, I decided to head to the bathroom. Looking into the mirror I stared at my reflection. My eyes were devoid of strength in them. My bright blonde hair was falling down in waves in the middle of my back, and my slim sun kissed figure started to look a little paler than usual.

   Deciding that I couldn't let myself look torn up like this I decided to change, my wolf agreeing with me.

  Turning the knob to the shower on, I waited. After a few seconds it heated up and that's when I jumped in and let the water caress my body.

After a couple of minutes of sitting under the tantalizingly comforting water, I got out, wrapping a fluffy white towel around me. Dreading the next part that was to come I sighed in horror; opening the door to the cold air that was on the other side.

After a few minutes of pacing I made a plan. No matter if I die in the process I would survive. Grabbing the door knob and slowly turning it I heard the resounding click. Taking a deep breath I opened the door as fast as I could and ran to the closet.

Tucking and rolling, towel flying who knows where, I grabbed a red plaid shirt and black leggings. Turning around as fast as I could I bolted to the dresser; opening the first drawer, I grabbed a black lace bra and underwear.

Having everything that I needed besides the towel that fell who knows where, I ran back to the bathroom and locked the door.

"Phew. I survived another night." I sighed to myself.


  Later that evening, I was hanging out downstairs on the couch that was now cold. Crossing my feet against the dining room table, I laid my head back against the comforting couch and blew out a sigh.

My mate is my twin ?! Impossible...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora