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[Not written by me. Credits go to Tumblr @Imagine-MCR

Sitting alone on the hill, you watched the colors of the sky fade away, the wind picking up as dappled shadows disappeared. leaving you in the dusk.
Sighing to yourself, you fell back into the grass, letting yourself go, believing how much better it would've been if you just died.
Mikey did.
You still couldn't believe it... The way you'd cried for days... The utter shock and disbelief filled your every pore...
You knew he'd come close one day, but never leave. Never overdose. Never have his last words to you be "I'll see you later!" Never have your last sight be him leaving the hall, a smile on his face, kiss still lingering on your lips.
Sure, there were words in the note, but without him voicing the letters, you could barely feel it.
Thinking back, you remember the late nights the two of you spent curled up on the hill, teasing and flirting- not quite to the point of dating yet- not even watching the football games taking place at the foot of the hill.
And now, here you were, under the muted sky with a handful of minuscule glimmering stars- down the street from the grave you visited often. You vowed to visit Gerard more, to be with him and ensure he wouldn't do the same... He was a mess, and had taken on self-induced stress of being the best son possible.
Closing your eyes, you could hear the wind fade away, cold grass against your cheek, tears running freely now. You could nearly hear him calling your name, as if he were trying to wake you up... Suddenly, you felt the strangest sensation, ice-cold and tingling on your hand.
"Mikey, I miss you so much." You breathed shakily, nearly choking on your words as another burst of quiet sobs ran their course.
The sensation trailed from your hand up your arm, gently moving to the side of your face pressed into the grass.
Fearing it was some sort of seizure induced by the medications you were on, you bolted into the sitting position, panting. Looking wildly around you, you could make out a hazy translucent figure sitting next to you.
"Mikey..." You breathed, watching the milky white apparition nod, setting into a lying down position, smiling over at you. Following suit cautiously, you settled into the cold ground, your eyes falling shut once more... You could hear him.
"I'm sorry... But it's okay, I swear. You can live without me." You could feel more soft tears run down your cheeks, cooled by the night air, "Please take care of Gerard... I'm so sorry, y/n, I really didn't mean to and I miss you every day... I'll be watching over you, baby... Please don't come after me. I love you." You could hear a soft sigh somewhere, and the breeze picked up once more.
Opening your eyes, you blinked, whipping around and searching for Mikey everywhere before realizing the sky still had light, and there were merely a few clouds on the horizon.
Gerard was next to you now, eyes still watery and red from crying... He had been down the street... To the cemetery.
"Were you dreaming about him?" He asked quietly
"Yeah... He was here, Gerard." You replied breathlessly, eyes large and innocent, "He really cares about you."
"He left us... And I... I'm not sure how I can live without him." Gerard choked, cheeks becoming flushed.
"It was an accident, Gee. It really was. He never meant to." You soothed, wrapping an arm around the disheveled boy, watching him wipe at his tear-stained cheeks.
"He loved you." Gerard sighed, giving you a forced smile.
"He loves you. Still." You replied, holding him close, feeling a cold tingle on your back as you smiled, a soft tear rolling down your cheek, "Please stay, Gerard. He wants you to."

This is the end, my fellow readers, of The Gerard Way Book.
I want to say thank you reading, commenting, voting and sharing wit your friends! Thank you for sticking to this book for a year.

Now, it might be the end of The Gerard Way Book, but it's not the end of my writing for "The ---- Book." Who would you like to see me write about next?

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