{Took this from my Fandom Facts book}

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According to various sources Ares/Mars had a wife. Some say it was Harmonia, Theogone, or others.

I personally believe his wife is Enyo/Bellona. Why? Because if you look on Enyo's page on Wikipedia and other sources it states her roman counterpart is Bellona, when you search up Bellona various sources states that, Ares' roman counterpart, Mars is her husband (it said consort on the sources that I checked but isn't consort the same thing as marriage partner?)

My dear Percy Jackson fans (I'm look at mostly you xrulerofhellx ❤️ you), do you know what this means? It means that Reyna I-forgot-her-full-name-I'm-sorry and Frank Zhang are step-siblings, Reyna is the step-sister of all of Ares/Mars' children and Frank is the step-brother of any child of Enyo/Bellona.

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