I give him a tired, probably unwelcoming smile. "Hey, Lou. Why are you calling me now, of all times of the day?" I ask him.

"Because I'm bored Cass. I've finally rid myself of the girlfriend for the rest of the day.  She's gone off to some party, and it'll probably be an all nighter, so that means tomorrow, too! Wanna go somewhere tonight?" Louis has the cutest smile on his face that just makes my day(even though I've been awake for only ten minutes) so of course I have to accept. I can't resist!

I file my nails with an invisible nail file. "Oh, I don't know. With my busy schedule and all, you know how popular I am." Louis giggles and covers his mouth. "I just may have an opening tonight, but don't get your hopes up, Tomlinson, it is a Friday night." I pull out my phone and pretend to check my schedule. "Oh, well would you look at that. I'm free. Well, Tomlinson, where shall we be going on this fine evening?"

Louis grins. "Well, Zayn's having a little 'get together' tonight, meaning wild party and we might end up trashing the place, but who cares about a little mess? We are the mess." He laughs, and I do too. His smile is just another reason to.

"Why not?' I ask myself. I shrug my shoulders and say, "I'm in."


I've gotten myself dressed for Zayn's 'wild party', in a sliver lace tank that catches the light when I move, dark wash high-rise skinny jeans, and a pair of gray boots with a small heel. I throw on a brown leather jacket and figure I'll survive without a hat or gloves for one night. 

I snatch up my phone from my nightstand and text Louis: On my way now, don't wait up for me :)

I shove it in my pocket and head downstairs to find my parents watching a movie together. My mother is cryng and my father is haf asleep, so... chick flick. 

"Hi. Um, I'm going out with Louis, and yes I'll be fine, but don't be surprised if it's an all nighter. 'Kay, bye!" My dad just nods with half a snore and my mom shoos me away, so I think I'll take that as a yes.

I grab my keys and run out to the car, making sure I'm not missing anything. Once I'm all set, I start the ignition and drive off to the address Louis gave me about 45 minutes away. 


I pull into the driveway of which I'm sure is Zayn's house because I can hear music blasting and the house is practically shaking with people and strobelights.

I cautiously walk in and throw my jacket onto a coat rack near the door as I look around for Louis. I adjust my wavy ponytail and search around the room. Some people stand in groups chatting and holding drinks and appetizers, and others scatter around joining in dancing with random people and groups.

There's a snack and drink bar that I can see in the kitchen through the doorway, but that's about it since suddenly Louis is blocking my view. "Cassie!" he says. I can smell from his drink that it has some alchohol in it and by his way of flopping his arms around to hug me that he's been drinking.

"Lou, why are you drinking?" I ask.

"Just because you're underage doesn't mean I am, silly!" He leans his nose into my shoulder.

"Alrighty Louis, let's put that down, that's enought for now." I pull his arms off of my and take his half-spilt over drink and set it on a counter somewhere. Louis reaches for it but another hand grabs it instead. I look up and see it's Niall's. He winks and drags it away, and somewhere in the distance I hear his laughter.

"Okay, Lou, time for..." I paused, trying to think of something that would keep him away from drinks. "Time for a.. a game! Yeah, a game, Lou. Does that sound fun?"

He giggles. "Like... like truth or dare..." Okay, so game is out of the question.

"No, let's go socialize or something. No games," I correct him. I hold onto his arm as he drags me out to the dance floor, of all places. "Lou, you know I can't dance."

"You don't, but I bet you can." He smirks. "C'mere!" He calls out to Zayn, a few feet away. Zayn turns away with a blotch of pink on the corner of his mouth. I smirk to myself and lean sideways to see behind him as he walks over to us and see something completely unexpected... Devin!  She sees me and her face flushes as I grin at her.

"Devin's here?" I ask, astounded.

"Hey, Cassie! I see you're enjoying the party. Yeah, I invited her. Harry invited Erin along, too. I think they got tired and went upstairs to find a movie or something. Who knows?" He smirks. "Louis! What can I do for you mate?" Zayn asks, smiling and giving us each a pat on the back. 

"Zayn... Zayn... Cassie doesn't know how to dance!" Louis says in between periods of giggly laughter.

"Well, I can't teach her! C'mon Lou! You can, though." Zayn punches Louis in the shoulder and walks away with a bounce in his step.

"Oh wait," Louis laughs. "I forgot Zayn... Zayn can't dance either!" I hear Niall's laughter off in the background again, this time near the group of friends Zayn is with. 

"Casssssiieee," Louis is calling my name. "Come be fuuuunn." I might as well give it a go if it'll keep him away from the drinks, I tell myself.

"Fine." I smile and jump into the throng of dancing bodies, trying to mimick what some of them are doing. I find myself enjoying it more and more by the second, though I still hold on to Louis' arm so we don't get separated.

"You still got it, Jones!" Louis is saying.

"I guess so, Tomlinson." I decide then to let my emotions to leave for now and to just have fun with myself, with Louis and with everyone here. I loosen my limbs and keep going, and i let go of Louis' arm, because now I trust that I won't lose him.

After about an hour, our faces are flushed, our foreheads are slick with sweat, and our hands are pressed together, not caring how sweaty they are.

"Cass, do you wanna rest a minute?" Louis asks me. 

I nod. "Yeah, I'm kinda tired."

He leads me upstairs where there aren't as any people, just a few roaming around and exploring Zayn's house. Louis an I find a room, the library, that there aren't any people in. I've grabbed two mini bottle of water, and I hand one to Louis. I pop mine open and take a sip, as does he.

Louis puts his bottle down on an open bookshelf and shifts around in his seat. I turn to look at him and for a moment he stares at me, as if deciding something, and right then and there-- he leans over and kisses me. My eyes pop open in surprise and I push him away.

"Lou! What are you doing!?" My heart is fluttering and my stomach is in my throat.

"You looked pretty so I wanted to kiss you." Some of his words are slurred.

"You're drunk, Louis." I push him off a little as he leans over to me again. "Seriously, you're acting childish. Remember Eleanor?"

"Hmm, Eleanor? Who's she?" He giggles. "I don't know an Eleanor."

"You're drunk!" I repeat.

"Maybe that's a good thing. I'm afraid to say a lot of stuff when I'm sober, so maybe..." he pauses," Maybe I can tell the truth now."

Before I can stop him he's kissing me again, this time more roughly, and this time, I let him. I let my emotions take over and I pour what has been nagging at me for almost a year now into the kiss. 

Louis breaks away for a moment. "Cassie," he breathes. "I love you."

A tear slips out of my eyelid. "I love you too, Louis."

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