Danger - Levi x Psychotic reader

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"Looking for someone?" you teased as dashed around another corner before he could see you.

"Who are you and why are you doing this?" He demanded. Ooooo not the patient type.

"Doing what?" You asked lowering your voice for the affect.

"Hiding, taunting, playing around!"

"Is a girl not allowed to have some fun? It's Christmas ya know!" You laughed turning another corner ducking out of his sight.

"And, it's also my birthday so maybe give me a break and go easy on me?" He suggested.

"Oh Jesus." You sighed.

"Not quite, name's Levi. What's yours?"

"If you're trying to gain my trust, you're not very good at it." You said walking to him. You pulled at his tie and said: "Maybe over a drink could do the trick." You winked and let him go. "But of course, a man like you must have a family to go home to tonight. I won't keep you." You spat out the word 'Family' as if it was poison.

"You're wrong there, I live alone brat." He smirked.

"Girlfriend, Boyfriend. I don't care."

"Nope, another Christmas just me, myself and I. I don't have time for things like that." He scoffed crossing his arms. "Although this Christmas could be an exception."

"Great, drinks on you then." You smirked walking out the alleyway with haste. Not that it made you uncomfortable, but the thought that he may be your new victim made your heart race.

"Okay." He answered walking closely behind you.


"You still haven't told me your name." He said suddenly after his third glass of beer. The alcohol did not seem to bother him at all. He softened a little compared to when you first met him but he did not slur his words nor act weirdly.

"And why should I do that?"

"Because, when someone introduces themselves, you do the same back. It's just manners really." He shrugged.

"Well then, let's just say I have no manners." You replied smugly.

"Fine." He replied as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. You were only on your first glass of Moscato and you were done with drinks already.

"Can I have your number?" Levi suddenly asked making you jump.

"Um well...." You blushed and looked away. This was the first time something like this has ever happened to you and you were shocked on what to do. "I thought you didn't have time for things like this?" You saved yourself.

"I said this year was an exception. If we want to get along, you're gonna have to stop correcting me or being a smartass,"

"Who said I wanted to get along with you?" You smirked.

"Tch, being on my bad side is a bad idea (Y/n), do you know who I am?" You flinched when he said your name. You didn't recall giving him your name meaning he knows who you are and what you've done. Right now you have to options. One, kill him and make a run for it and making sure never to wear this outfit or wig again, or lie and make an excuse to dash.\

"You're Levi." You said deciding to go for option three, act like you didn't know what he was talking about.

"And you're-" He leaned in lowering his voice, "(F/n) (L/n). Most Wanted,"

You gulped. "And why havent you reported me yet?"

"I don't have to. I'm detective Levi Ackerman. I'm the one investigating your case. I know you're innocent when you were convicted but now that you've killed.....that's different." He smiled. For the entire time you've been with him, not a hint of a smile ever brushed his features. But this smile, it was sincere and it was....somehow creepy to you in a way.

"I should go." You said standing up.

"Nonsense, you can leave after I have your number." He hiccuped. There's no point fighting him now. Or is there? You made a move but he was faster. And he predicted it. You swung your hand but he caught it before it made contact to his face and you lost balance. Except your body never touched the floor. Before you knew it, he had you in his arms and kissed you.

"What are you doing?!" You hissed struggling to break free but he was really strong despite his thin build.

"Play along hun, you don't want to attract attention do you?" He whispered in your ear making you shiver. He swept you off your feet and left the bar with some change on the table to pay for the drinks. "Let us retire to my apartment shall we? Like I said, this year is an exception and it is my birthday, I deserve a gift." He winked.



next chapter will come soon and maybe some steamy scenes ;)


Don't mind the grammar and stuff coz I'm still editing hehe.


LevixReader - One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ