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chapter 3 | hoseok

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chapter 3 | hoseok



hoseok was extremely warm, not an unbearable warm but a cozy, comfortable warmth that was a good thing due to the cold weather.

he lifted the covers a little to see where the heat source was radiating off.

once his eyes had adjusted, he let a small smile show on his face once he realised it was yoongi. they must've fell asleep last night without realising.

it was currently 5:34am, at least that's what was shown on hoseok's phone.

gazing out the window, he noticed the thick layer of dust that had collected on the windowsill, he made a mental note to dust later.

streets were slow and the roads were still, it was usually quite busy, however it was still early morning, the frost of the morning spread across the bottom half of the window, layers of the early sun streaming through.

comforting was the word to describe the atmosphere. being held in yoongi's embrace was no longer embarrassing compared to how awkward it was years ago, the pair just thought that it was a normal thing, he supposed that it was just one of yoongi's affection traits.

at the moment, yoongi's chest was rising up and down at a low pace. The only sound that filled the room was the small puffs of breath that left the older' mouth, simply his relaxed breathing.

something dawned on him, looking up at the other for a while, why hadn't that mouth had hardly ever smiled. hoseok was defiantly aware of how badly yoongi took breakup's but why was he never happy. little laughs and smiles were not enough. he still had a long way to go to witness a real smile from yoongi, he didn't care how much comforting from breakups that it would take.

hoseok believed that yoongi's smile was going to be worth the effort, seeing a full, real smile would be bliss.

cuddling closer to the older, bare skin feeling the scratchy fabric of yoongi's sweater on his arm, made him wonder how the black haired darling could wear such a thing.

hoseok admired yoongi's features for a while, just letting it sink in how beautiful his friend was.

hoseok had many thoughts racing around in his head in this current moment. he couldn't put his finger on what it felt like, it was unknown but he was grateful for these little moments anyhow.

"hyung?" hoseok murmured nuzzling into the back of yoongi's scratchy sweater, he could bear the itch. it was only yoongi after all, only he would wear such an uncomfortable jumper.

"hoseok? what's up?" yoongi replied sleepily, voice husky and thick with sleep from his previous nights sleep.

"oh? never mind it doesn't matter. uh, do you feel better?" hoseok asks, sighing lightly under his breath, never being able to get the right words out was a bother, and it annoyed him immensely.

"of course i do, you always make me feel better." yoongi shifted slightly before continuing, "you have for the past, what 5 years now?"

Hoseok just replied with a small 'yes' and no more was said.




"hey jimin."

"yoongi hyung!" with an intentional over-exaggerated gasp, jimin pulled the elder into an awkward hug.

"it's been a while hasn't it?" yoongi replied, taking a seat opposite jimin.

he was asked by jimin, to meet him at the small diner which was a couple of blocks away from hoseok's place.

"i'm sorry, i've been busy and all with my music." jimin mused, "how've you been? seokjin filled me in about the breakup, sounded rough."

a waitress approached the two, politely asking what they'd like to order.

yoongi insisted on paying.

once the waitress left, yoongi scratched at the back of his neck, a nervous trait. "yeah, it was pretty bad. i feel better now though. kind of."

Jimin just hummed, "when do you think you'll be back on the market again?"

"we are not trying to date again."

"no! i didn't mean us," jimin waved his arms, signalling a cross.

"then who?"

"my god, you're so oblivious. but i've said too much already." jimin giggled to himself.

"tell." yoongi ordered, letting out a deep sigh at the younger.

"okay okay, i'm only spilling cause that stare is creepy. you didn't hear this from me but taehyung is completely hooked on you!" jimin whisper-shouted, a grin on his face.

taken aback. that was the feeling that yoongi was experiencing.


jimin just tilted his head to the side, "yeah? why is it a problem."

"i thought he was with jungkook?"

a high pitched laugh came from jimin's lips, "yoongi, they barely lasted a week, has it really been that long since you've spoken to us."

"seems so."

with the shock having yet to settle in, the two boys finished up their food before saying their goodbyes, leaving yoongi to overthink what jimin had told him.

this whole situation was utterly weird.


a/n really short chapter i know, im sorry !
longer updates will come soon due to the fact that im finally off school. on another note this book reached 100 reads! it's not a lot but still- it's a milestone at least.

anyhow i hope everyone has a good christmas! and if you don't celebrate christmas then have a good weekend :')

- 🐝

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