Chapter Eight - Óendanlegt

Start from the beginning

I manage to croak, “I’m sorry” before dissolving into hot tears. Eventually I persuade them to leave me be in the bathtub while they return to Frigga’s room. I sink down in the water, having regained some form of control over myself. I sit there for far too long, the water growing colder, my jaw trembling. I mutter nothingness to myself as I rub some life into my arms. I’m trying to get my thoughts together into some form of clarity. What has been happening to me lately? Suddenly I possess some ungodly form of magic and it has caused me nothing but terrible trouble. When did it even start? And where the hell is it coming from? I don’t...I am not magical by any means. At the most I’ve witness Loki do some trivial magic, but nothing ever on the scale of what I have done in the last few hours. 

“Mum?” I call out but there is no answer. I lift myself out of the bathtub, my arms feeling weak beneath my weight. I notice for the first time how bony my wrists are, my fingers like long birch twigs. I wrap myself in the golden linens beside the bathtub, drying myself quickly before throwing on a sheer linen dressing down lent to me by Frigga. I rake my fingers through my hair and look at myself in the mirror for the first time in a very long time. My eyes are terribly sunken, my cheeks gaunt, skin drawn tightly. I look as though I’ve aged nearly ten years in just a few days. Whatever this magic is is draining the very life from me. I look down and dry off the bracelet from Loki, absently twisting it beneath my fingers. It is so exquisite and it was so thoughtful of him. Of course, it would seem Loki and I are not exactly in the best standing right now. I wish he would just trust that I am not doing any of this of my own volition. I would never wish to harm him or anyone. Though it seems it is a little late for that now.

There is a crashing from Frigga’s room that pulls my attention from my hands and towards the door. I hurry over to the door, bracing myself against the counter and then the doorframe. I open the door and poke my head out to see what the matter is. “Frigga? Mum?”

There is a commotion to the right and suddenly I hear Frigga’s voice. “Valkyrie, my child, run!

Suddenly Frigga appears, holding a dagger to the neck of a Dark Elf. Where are they coming from? I hurry into the room, blood pumping furiously. Frigga whips around in a blur of fabric and hair and engages in hand to hand combat with the elf, dragging him across the room, fighting him fiercely as I stand, helpless to do anything. I look about for my mother who is creeping from the closet, wielding a tiny letter opener as her only defense. I shake my head violently at her but she barely gives me a sideways glance. She attacks the Dark Elf from behind, imbedding the blade in its shoulder. 

I grip the bed bannister tightly as I try and stop the two of them. I search desperately somewhere in me for the magic, but it does not come. “Damn!” 

I look up and the elf has his hands on my mother. He hisses something in his mother tongue as he reaches his hands up to her neck. I let go of the bannister and rush forward, but the elf lashes out and backhands me, sending me stumbling backwards before I can do anything to stop him. I look up in horror as the Dark Elf grips my mother’s head and twists abruptly, her neck snapping audibly in the slow seconds of silence that seem to pass before me. 

NO!” I struggle to get to my feet but now Frigga has brought the Dark Elf back into combat. I am aware that I am crying, but I wipe these tears and kiss the back of my mother’s cold hand before getting myself to my feet. The door swings open and I make eye contact with Odin before I go to Frigga’s aid. Before I can even reach her the elf thrusts his blade through her chest. Her eyes meet mine and blood blossoms on the fabric of her blue dress like a crimson flower. She crumples to the ground before me as the elf removes his blade. My eyes are brimming with tears but before the Dark Elf can head towards Odin I lunge forward and jump upon his back, yanking him down to the ground, wrapping his war braid around and around my wrist. I kick his blade free from his hand and take it in my own trembling one, bringing it to his throat.

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