Ch. 2: An Emotional Rollercoaster

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Carter got over his baby fit and showed me around after 25 minutes. Then he laid down on his bed and started playing around on his phone. He had taken off his jacket so he was in his jeans and white t-shirt. I took a shower and slipped into a little light green nightgown. I laid down and pulled the covers over me. I felt eyes boring into me and bit my lip. The taste of blood filled my mouth. I think he could tell that they were watching us. He looked over at me for a second and then just rolled on top of me kissing me his hands on my hips. Once we heard the people walking away he rolled off of me and turned off the lights. He was giving me plenty of room on the bed. I smiled ear to ear. "Khaleesi you are not falling for him....or are you?" I blushed deeply. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning with Carter's arm snaked around my waist. I got up and put on a blue sports bra and black spandex leggings. Noah, James, and Jake walked in and suddenly jumped on Carter. Carter woke up in an instant and we all ran for our lives. We heard him scream, "YOU LITTLE SHITS!!!" Jake was on Carter's side and we were all hiding separately. I hide in a guest bedroom under the bed and locked the door. I looked out the window and saw James running from Jake. I heard the door handle shake and I pushed myself further under the bed. I heard the door break open. Carter looked around for about a minute. Then he looked under the bed and grabbed me. He had me over his shoulder and was carrying me out of the room. I was screaming and laughing at the same time. He walked back into his room and threw me into the freezing cold water that he had gotten ready in the bathtub. Then he walked back out to take care of the other three. I was screaming at him.

"Carter that was cold!" I quickly changed into blue leggings and a black sports bra with my curls in a high ponytail. When I looked out the window I saw Carter and the other three boys wrestling in the front boy and to my amazement they were all laughing, including Carter. It was the first time I had ever seen him laugh. I went outside and quietly got the hose I snuck up on the wrestling boys and sprayed them all without them knowing. They were all scrambling away back into the house. Carter was running towards me, but I ran away as fast as I could. He grabbed me and jogged back into the house and threw me back in the water pouring some more ice over my head. Then he walked out to change clothes. I guess I just wasted two outfits I laughed and changed for the third time into a white bralette sheer baby pink flowing tank top and light wash mini shorts and some white high top converse. When I walked out Carter was in jeans shirtless, I could see the tattoo that covered almost his entire back. I bit my lip hard. I could also fully see the chain necklace. He turned around and saw me staring and I blushed. He sat down on the edge of his bed and ran his fingers through his hair. I was so distracted by his cuteness I fell over my own feet trying to get to the door. I stared at the floor and cringed. "Khaleesi did you really just do that in front of maybe your crush?" He had caught me right before I face planted. He pulled me back up looking amused. He sat back down on the bed, back to silent Carter. Back to tense Carter. Back to bad boy Carter. Back to the Carter that didn't feel.

I didn't really know what I was doing, so I leaned over and kissed him and to my surprise he didn't pull away. He didn't kiss me back either. He felt surprised. "I think I like you Carter Callahan. I'm sorry..." my voice was quiet as I got up to leave.

"Yeah most people are," was all he said really quiet, referring to how I had said I'm sorry. He sat up and pulled his t-shirt and leather jacket on. Then he started to walk out of the room. I was wondering down the hallways not really knowing where I was going. I found some stairs so I went down them. They led to a basement and it had a few pool tables a bar and foosball table. I saw him throwing darts at a dartboard. I quickly turned on my heel and started to quietly go back up the stairs. It had broke my heart to hear him say that most people were sorry for liking him if they did happen to like him. I couldn't eat or talk I just wandered around. Later that night at about eleven he walked back into our room and laid down on the bed, giving me plenty of space as usual. I had already had the lights out. He pulled the blankets over him and laid silently. I got up and walked out of the room not knowing where I was going to go. I found a closet that I fit into and sat down. I cried myself asleep in the closet. When I woke up I forgot where I was and momentarily freaked out. Then I remembered yesterday and started quietly crying again. When I heard footsteps I silenced my tears. He opened the closet doors. "What's wrong today?" he asked noticing my tear stained face. "You get to go home today if it makes you feel any better."

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