Part 15

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I woke up in Aphmau's bed with Zoey, Laurance, Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau herself around me with all of their head looking down to the ground.
My eyes flickered open and I saw their heads quickly look at me.
"Katelyn~Sama!Thank Irene your awake!Kawaii~Chan was so~ worried!"Kawaii~Chan said hugging me.I then looked at Aphmau and Zoey.Aphmau had a stern look on her face glaring at me.Zoey was just liked Kawaii~Chan.
"Katelyn!Bless Irene.You're awake.How are you feeling?"She asked.
"A little confused.W-What happened?"I questioned.
At that point Aphmau walked out of the room furiously.
"D-Did I say something?"I asked.
Laurance shook his head looking just as confused as I am.
"I'll go talk to her."Laurance said as he walked outside Aphmau's room.
Zoey stood up.
"I'm just going to make you some herbal tea.That should make you feel better."She smiled.
I smiled back.
"Thank you Zoey.I have never really told you this but...your a great friend."
"Aww!Thank you Katelyn.Same to you."She smiled even more going downstairs into the kitchen.
"So does Katelyn~SAMA remember anything?"Kawaii~Chan asked.
"Nope.Could you explain to me please?"I said.
She nodded and began.
"So it all began when you came sprinting to the village.You ran into Laurance and moments later you were unconscious.He called for help so I came outside to help carry you to the nearest house which was Aphmau's."
"So why is Aphmau so mad?"I questioned again.
Kawaii~Chan just shrugged her shoulders.
Suddenly Laurance came in.
"Katelyn Aphmau needs to speak with you in the cells about someone."He said out of breath.
~Someone?Who's someon-.


Vlyadlyn Fanfic (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora