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They all came in with hot and cold drinks.Aphmau came with four hot chocolate's,Garroth came in with two lemonades and Nicole came in with orange juice.Laurance appeared out of the toilet and smiled.
"Katelyn!Your awake!You had me worried."Laurance said happily.
"Heh yes I'm up.Mmmmm who has hot chocolate?"
"Hehehe me!Here!"Aphmau gave
Kawaii~Chan,Laurance and me a hot chocolate as she kept one for herself.
Someone knocked on the door.
"Come in!"Garroth turned his head.
The door opened.
"Hello Miss Katelyn?"The man who looked like a doctor spoke.
"Yes?"I said.
"Can I please speak with private?"He asked politely.
"Um yes!Of course!"I replied.
Soon everyone stepped out of the door into the waiting area.
"Hello Katelyn,I'm doctor Alis.You need medicine for pain relief of your wounds.Also you need to take it easy for about 2 months possibly."The doctor said
"Okay Doctor,thank you for your help."I thanked him.
"Your friends may take you home tomorrow morning.I'll check on you again tomorrow Miss Katelyn."He smiles and walks away.My friends come in and ask me questions.
"So what did he say?"Aphmau said
"Will you be okay Katelyn~Sama?"Kawaii~Chan asked.
"Do you need to stay here for long?"Garroth questioned.
"Of course I'll be okay Kawaii~Chan and no Garroth not at all.He said I'm able to go back tomorrow but I need medicine and have to rest for about 2 months."I answer all of their questions.
"Anyway,it's night we should go and leave you to rest."Aphmau said.
"Yeah thank you guys for coming,it means a lot."I smiled sweetly.
"Well your really our family Katelyn.How could we not come with you here?"Nicole smiled also
We all said goodbye and left me to sleep.
Once I fell asleep I was blinded into nothing but whiteness...

Vlyadlyn Fanfic (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ