I can't think of a good title despise me

864 18 3

Pairing: MiniPie

Requested by: Rsm234

Prompt: None



Craig nervously stood in the panel as he watched Felix answer the questions he was presented with, He'd been one of his subscribers since he began playing amnesia, and this was the first time he would be meeting the man in person. He was extremely nervous. He played with his hands for a considerable time, before he felt a hand land on his. He looked over to his best friend, Brian, and gave him a worried look.

"What if he just thinks I'm weird.." He mumbled. Brian shook his head and chuckled. "Craig, you've been following this man's success since the beginning. You know how crazy he is. What make you think that he will think that you're weird, when he's just as weird, if not weirder, than you?" Craig felt his insides calm down a bit, before he nodded. "You're right, I have to stop psyching myself out. I'm going to meet my favorite youtuber in person, but he's still just a person.." He smiled bright. "I can do this."

The rest of the panel went by smoothly. Once it ended, they did a small photo shoot, and everyone began filing out single file, while Felix and the other youtubers in the panel stayed up there, talking for a bit. Craig slowly gathered his courage, and began walking towards them. Once he reached the stage, he felt his anxiety sky rocket. He usually wasn't like this! He was always so energetic and excitable, where the heck did that energy go?! The other youtubers began leaving, and soon only Felix was left on the stage, the man busy with his phone. Craig took his chance, and quickly hopped on the stage. "Pewdi- Felix." He stuttered out. This caught the man's attention and he looked up, noticing the red faced ginger in front of him. He felt a smile break out onto his face by accident as he surveyed the shy display. "Yeah?" He said, chuckling. Craig cleared his throat.

"I- I've been wanting to meet you ever since I first saw your videos and now that I do I can see why so my people want to be with you." Oh god what did he just say?! He felt his entire face turn red and his soul leave his body once he heard that word vomit escape his mouth. He heard a facepalm behind him, and he knew this day couldn't get any worse. Then Felix began laughing. Hard. And he knew that that was the worse it could get. He began turning around, when he heard shuffling and a hand land on his shoulder.

When he looked up, his blue eyes connected with Felix's icy ones, and he felt his heart skip a beat. "I'm not that much different from you, you know." He said chuckling. "But the fact that you had the guts to say that to me, you're something else entirely." He took his hand off of Craig's shoulder and took out a small notepad he had. He scribbled something on it, before giving it to Craig. "Here. I'm only gonna be in LA for so long, so let's try to meet up at sometime, yeah?" Craig's eyes practically formed stars as he nodded. "Y- yea! Sure thing!"

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