24!If Wishes Were Horses

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I'm not pulling a good job with this book so far...Put the blame on stress... I might be needing stress rehabilitation soon😑😑😑😑😑....Im sorry....this book has maybe just two or three more chapters to go....Just like you guys...I don't know how this book will end.......it's so frustrating.... I'm having Writers block.... So many things to do, so little time.....Forgive me and Just accept the book it way it is.


Ivanna's POV
    "So you mean you're going back to school on Saturday?" I asked repeating what he said and he nodded.

   "Yup....I don't even wanna leave...I miss high school life" he said and I laughed.

  "We in high school just wanna get the EFF out" I said and he smiled but then his face turned serious.

   "Ivanna..." He called and I swallowed and answered with a yeah.

   "Guess I'm gonna go back to school with my heart......You're not accepting it are you?" He asked and I blushed in embarrassment.
   "Mike I'm...." I started to say but he cut me off with a smile.

  "you don't have to apologize.....Its okay to like someone else....and I wish he'd make you happy" he said and hugged me.

   "Thank you" I said and he rolled his eyes.

  "What were you thinking?... That I was gonna break a bottle and place it at your neck saying if you don't date me you'll die?... Ah no no no..I'm too cool for that" he said and I laughed hitting him in the arm.

   "If you turn me into a retarded person, no GIrl will wanna date me" he said and I laughed.

  "Even If you're armless you'll still get the girl you want" I said.

  "Ah!...Flattery, I have my two arms intact and I'm looking as hot as ever but I can't get the girl I want....now without arms?...Even my worst enemy wouldn't date me" he said and I shrugged.

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