03!Mr Loser

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Ivanna's POV
     I woke up the next morning with a killer headache,my nose was also itching and giving off weird feelings.... Dylan is so dead......I had to wait till after school cause I'd be gone before his "don't annoy me" period is over....Six to Eight is like his PMS time.....that bloody asshole!.

   I walked into the bathroom and on looking at the mirror,I screamed... My nose was as red as a beet....I undoubtedly looked like Rudolph,God help me.

   I brushed my teeth and had a quick shower. I had this bad habit of not picking out clothes until the day I so dearly need them.

   I made my wardrobe go through a man...no Ivanna-made hurricane as I looked for what to wear.... I decided on black shorts and a grey crop top but not after wearing a tank top inside...I don't like exposing much tummy skin since the crop top was a bit too short....courtesy of Trina!.

    I stepped into my grey and black converse which matched my clothing and I bounced downstairs for dear breakfast. I met mum on the phone and the look on her face showed it was work related.

    "Mr Callahan, I'm so sorry but the interests dropped.... I'm afraid you might have to transfer the shares....(wait a while).....but...(wait wait wait).... I'm sorry Sir but SeaView won't be responsible for your loses....if you have anything to say....see my secretary... Good Day" She said and threw the phone on the table...

   "Morning mum" I said and her look of seriousness disappeared only to be replaced by her mischievous and bubbly smile.

   "Aww my seventeen year old baebae.....How you doing?" She asked and made to hug me but she stopped halfway and stepped backwards.

   "What happened to your nose?.....you look like Rudolph" she said giggling and I scrunched up my face and tried to look down at my nose.

   "Just Stay like that Ivy....do not move an inch... I'm serious" She said and I self froze myself....She ran up the stairs and came back with dad trailing after her.

   "See.....she looks so adorable" She gushed and I frowned in anger.

   "Let's take a picture and post in on FB" Dad screeched and I face palmed.

   "You had me scrunch up my nose for minutes just so you could go call dad?!" I asked in disbelief and she pouted.

   "I didn't want him to miss it" she said and Dad who was just in boxers and shirt with a tie dangling around his neck nodded like a guilty five year old...Just Great!!!.

   "What were you expecting?.... Her running up to get you a bowl of cold water,towels and ice?... Your mentality is just the same" Dylan said moving down the stairs with a satisfied smirk on his face as he eyed my red nose.

   "Burn!!" Ivan screamed jumping down from the third step....His hair was ruffled but he could still knock a girl off her feet.... Ivan is the typical guy whom many girls swoon over....in Asheville, Ivan is another human entirely.... He's the Cool dude.

   "Fuck You Dylan!" I said and mum swatted my head with an empty skillet.

   "Fuck!!!!!!" I screamed and she hit me with the damned thing again!.

   "Why the fuck do you keep doing that?!" I screamed and she hit me the third time then her blue puppy eyes looked straight at me

   "Stop cussing!" She cautioned.... I walked away from their presence drowning myself in self pity.....

     After a breakfast of scrambled eggs and toasts, I got into my red sleek Chevrolet and drove to school.....yeah Chevrolet?...so what?..... I'm a rich kid Durh.... The poorest kid in Asheville uses a Range Rover 2015.

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