Chap Three

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After the commander called me in. He told me Ray was going to be my partner again. He told me that Ray went on a solo mission so he should be back.

Just then Ray walked in. Ray salutes the commander. "Sorry to intrude but the mission was a complete success. Bomb was deactivated and not a soul was injured."

"Well done, Agent Lopez. Dismissed." Ray salutes him but doesnt look at me and walks out.

I run after him, "Ray wait!" He stops in his tracks, "Why should I? We already said what needed to be said."

I sighed, "Ray, I can't take you being mad at me for this." He scoffed and turned to me, "Oh really. I thought you didn't like me."

I looked at him puzzled, "What? That's not true. Its Roc that hates your guts, not me. I can't deny my feelings anymore." He folded his arms, "So what are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying, I love you Ray and I want to be with you"

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A/N: Chap 3 is done.

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