Chapter 9: Food fights, forgiveness and Kidnapping

Start from the beginning

I lave the closte where I see Noah standing there.

"Hey I need to tell you something, Ms.Hoppins just ran into to me and told me to tell you that a freshman just through up in the cafiteria and she needs you to clean it up" He cringes at the thought of someone eles throw up.

"Great"I say sarcastically.

We walk into cafiteria where people are avoiding the place where the throw up like the plague. I bend down to clean up the vomit.

"How are you not throwing up at the smell of that"Nosh asks me.

"I had a kid, I've smelt worse"I say.

I continue to clean as Noah stands there watching me talking to me when I feel something fall onto my back, I put my hand on my back and feel something slimey realising its the spagetti the cafetria was serving today. I look up and Talia is standing there.

"Oops sorry"She smirks at me.

"Really Talia" you throw food at me.

"Nope its just slipped off my tray"She says all innocent.

"Of course it did just thats your real nose"I calmly say in her face getting of my knees.

"You know we were just talking about how natura you are on your knees you little slut"She barks coming closer to me.

By now everyone is looking at us and Noah is standing right behind me.

"Talia thats enough"Lauren says from behind Talia.

"Don't Lauren I won't scrape up your maid"Talia says never losing eye contact with me.

"Too afraid to hit huh"I whisper to her.

"No but your worthless ass, isn't worth ruining my fifty dollar manicure"She says.

"Come on Talia whats your deal with me Talia why do hate me so much"I ask.

"My deal is that you are a scank who got knocked up at thirteen" She says.

"What has that got to do with you"I yell not even trying to keep this private now.

"Nothing you just disgust me thinking you could ever be a good mother to that bastard kid you have"She whispers in my ear.

I'm about to lose it.

"Don't you ever call my daughter that again or you will regret it"I say turning around and getting back to cleaning the floor.

"Can you sleep at night knowing that in ten year your kid will end up a disgusting slut just her mommy"She say and I snap. I spin around and take the cloth I was using to clean up the vomit  and throw at her head and it hits her right in the face and she screams.

"Food fight"Some guy yells and all of a sudden food is being throw left and right.

Noah how has been behind me the whole time pulls under a table.

"You okay"He yells because everyone is scream with pasta and jello being thrown all round.

""fine just a little pissed at that bitch, for talking about Ember that way"I say.

"She is just a bitch, try to ignore her"He says getting some butter a in the head and I realise I have ketchup all over my legs from peolpe dropping stuff all over us.

All of a sudden we hear a bell and the noise and food throwing comes to a hault.

"Talia Rosen and Aubree Evans to my office now and everyone eles go to next class and wait for  your teacher"Miss Hoppin yells.

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