"What are you doing here?" He asked I saw that he was wearing some dark red swim trunks that hang low which revealed his v line and even though he was sitting down his abs where super noticeable.

"I could say the same thing about you" I responded back.

"I just needed a break from all the people, mostly the girls"

"Ha, what you don't like girls all over you?"

"I mean not really, sure I like a quickie here and their, but having them literally in front of me beg, yeah no"



"You're not so bad like I thought"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well your not such of an asshole, I mean sometimes you are"
I heard him chuckle when I said that.

"Wow thanks, you're not so bad yourself"

"Thanks, hey I have a question?"


"What's up with the whole Britney thing?"

"Oh yeah her, she's the one I've been trying to avoid all night, this is what happened we dated last year for quite a while, but I found out she was cheating on me with that Brandon dude, in the football team. So I ended it, but I guess Brandon soon was done with her and she then came running back to me. She's been trying to get me back since the beginning of the year, she keeps on saying 'that we where made for each other' and what's weird is that she says she wants me, but she still goes on and sleeps with other guys"

"Damn" I said taking it all in "What a bitch"

"Ha, yeah what about you? You've ever been in love?"

"I think falling in love is a waste of time and honestly it's scary" I responded honestly.

"Why do you think that?"

"Well, just think about, you're giving someone everything you have knowing that they can just go and take it for granted. It's scary, so before I decide that I should settle down I want to travel the world, have small flings and just have fun." I turn around and to find Blade staring straight at me.
"What?" I asked shrugging my shoulders.

"Nothing I just guess you're right about the whole falling in love"


We where now only centimeters apart, we where so close I could notice the little specks of gold in his eyes I was about to lean to close the gap but..

"We should probably head inside it's getting cold" he said clearing his throat as he got down to go back inside.

"Um, yeah I'll be right their" I replied back.

What the hell just happened?


Nicks P.O.V

"Lily!" I yelled as I spotted her by the pool table.

God she's so beautiful

"Oh hey nick!" she happily said bringing me into a hug. I could tell that she's been drinking cause of how much she smelled of beer, and the way she was speaking.

"How you been mi amigo?, come on let's go to my room" she said grabbing my hand and taking me upstairs.


"Move out of the way people!" She yelled shoving through crowds of people."Okay sit" she said once we reached her room.

"Come on Lily you need to rest" I said grabbing her arm and laying her down on her bed. Once she was all laid down  I got up to leave.

"Will you cuddle with me?" She asked grabbing my hands, I could feel my cheeks turning red.

"Um, will it get you to sleep?" I asked.

"Yes, now come here" she said grabbing my arm and pulling me down with her.

"You know Nick" she said as she rested her head on my chest "You're such a sweet guy"

"Um, thank-"

"I knew since the first time I met you, that you where different not like all the other guys I dated"


"I think I'm falling in love with you"

Right when does words came out of her mouth everything stopped, the world soon started to feel like if it was moving faster I could feel my heart race, my breathing changing, I could feel everything changing.

"I-" I looked down to see Lily fast asleep.

I think I'm falling in love with you

Well Lily, I think I already fell for you.



Ugh, I honestly love this chapter so much even though it isn't even that good.
I will soon be updating again.

Goodbye my fellow unicorns


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