Chapter 15

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That's how Lily's house looks :)


I decided to wear my black bikini with some high waisted black shorts with my hair up for the party. It was around 7:30 when I arrived at the party, I was now sitting in the kitchen poring myself some drinks.

"Hey Hazel!" I turned around to see Nick squeezing through the crowd of people.

"Have you seen Lily?!" He yelled through the blasting music.

"I think I saw her by the pool" I responded as I pored myself another drink.

"Thank you" he said as he left to go and find her through the crowd of people.

I got up from where I was sitting and decided to walk around.


"Wha-" before I could say anything Max was running in my direction pushing me into the water with him.

"Max!" I yelled, but still couldn't help laughing.

"Ugh I hate you" I said as I got out of the pool and grabbed a towel.

"You love me!" I heard him yell as I walked away.

"No I don't!" I yelled back.


It was now 8 almost 9 and the party was just getting started. When I arrived up stairs I walked over to the game room where they where playing beer pong.

"Can I play?" I asked Brandon.

"Of course beautiful" he responded letting me get in front of him.

"So you-"

"I know how to play" I said cutting him off.
Their was only one cup left on the other side, I through the ping pong and-


"Hell yeah!" I yelled as everyone else cheered.

"Damn who knew you where so good?" I heard Brandon say behind me. I turned around and before I could even speak he crashed his lips against mine. I could tell that he has been drinking all night cause of how much his mouth tasted of beer. He pulled away from the kiss to whisper in my ear.

"Do you wanna take this somewhere else?" He asked as he trailed sloppy kisses down my neck.

"Actually I got to-" I gasped as I felt his hands squeeze my ass.

"Come on baby" he was now slurring his words.

"Yeah, no" I said as I pulled away from his grip feeling uncomfortable.

"Fine your loss" he angry replied as he walked over to his group of friends.

I checked the clock to see that it was now 9:30 everyone was pretty drunk or at least getting their.

Ugh I need a break

I walked into one of the spare restrooms to see that the window inside there was wide open.

"Huh" I said as stuck my head out the window and look up to see Blade casually sitting on top of the roof.
I stepped on the window and lifted my self up (trying my best not to slip and die) and took a seat next to him.

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