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When the members got home, almost everything had smoothed over with the drawing situation. Hansol had forgiven Yano, and everything was going as if nothing had ever happened. When they arrived, they all sat in the living room discussing what to do that night.

"I have to make a run to the convenience store." Kidoh said, running a hand through his brown locks. "Maybe we could get hair dye or something."

"Great idea, Kidoh ah." Nakta replied, jingling the keys to his car in his large hands. He tossed them to Yano and rose from the couch.

"Give me a minute to get ready." Hansol complained, sliding on a jacket and rushing to his mirror. He started putting on his usual makeup.

"It's only a simple store, Hannie." B-Joo said, opening the front door and holding it open for the others.

"I know, Joo, but I have to look my best." He said cheekily.

They all rushed into the car and drove a few blocks down to the convenience store down the street. It was a small pale blue store owned by an old married couple situated next to a busy mall and a run-down grocery. The two smiled and waved from behind the register and the boys all spread out.

Hansol found his anticipated pink hair dye automatically. He tapped his foot impatiently at the end of the aisle and waited for the picky B-Joo.

Hansol took a moment to study over the young one's features. He had shaggy brown hair that framed his small face with a pale complexion, big brown eyes, and a perfect smile. Lately, Hansol had been noticing things about B-Joo he had never noticed before.

He noticed that B-Joo had very small ears, that almost pointed out like an elf. He noticed B-Joo sniffled a lot, and that B-Joo paid very close attention to his hair.

Hansol had realized he had, well, some sort of feelings towards B-Joo. He just didn't know what they were yet. He didn't know if they were romantic or not. And he didn't know if he would ever confess them to the maknae, either.

"B-Joo, hurry!" Xero and Jenissi yelled from the register where they were already handing over their change.

"I can't decide!" He yelled from the aisle, holding two different boxes of dye in his hand.

"Hyung?" B-Joo questioned, beckoning Hansol down the aisle. He showed him two different boxes of hair dye. One was a pastel purple, and another was a bright green.

"Which one do you think I'm going to pick?" Hansol asked sarcastically, waving around the purple box.

"The pastel one?"

"You guessed it!" Hansol said.

"I'm suprised! Now let's go!" B-Joo shouted, grabbing Hansol's hand and hurrying him over to the register. They drove home.

The members shared a small meal of carry out and soju at their long kitchen table. Then, they all moved to the couch and watched tv. Hansol rested his head in B-Joo's lap and began to drift off to sleep. Just as he was about to fall asleep for the first time in days, B-Joo jumped up and shouted.

"Alright, Hansol. Time for hair dye!"

B-Joo grabbed Hansol's hand and led him to the bathroom. Hansol wrapped his arms around B-Joo's shoulders and lifted him onto the sink. He bleached his hair bright blonde, and they had to wait another hour, because bleaching can take up to that time on dark hair.

So they both went to Hansol's room. They decided to join the other members in playing Super Mario Bros on the bean bag chairs.

"Nakta, stop with the fucking shells!" Sangdo yelled as his car drifted off the road. He threw a pillow at Nakta playfully and tossed the remote on the floor.

"Mind if we play?" Hansol asked, putting on a pouty face.

"Oh now the lovers want a turn?" Jenissi said, raising his eyebrows. He was sitting on the couch, Xero on his lap.

"You shouldn't be talking, Jenissi-gun. Look at you and Xero!" Kidoh said. Xero and Jenissi blushed and immediately pulled away from each other.

The first round, B-Joo was very upset when he didn't win, and though he tried not to show it, Hansol knew. He could tell from the obvious pout on the younger's face.

"Aw, are you upset, Joo?" Hansol asked, curling B-Joo's hair with his finger.

"No, but I want a rematch! That was unfair!" B-Joo complained.

"Ah, so you are upset?"

They played three more rounds, and with B-Joo's childish complaining, Hansol let him win on the last round.

"Yes! Ha! I won!" B-Joo jumped up and down excitedly, taunting his hyung.

"Did you really?" Hansol questioned with a confused expression.

"Hannie you better not have let me win!" B-Joo said, pushing Hansol on the couch and jumping on top of him. Hansol blushed and looked B-Joo in the eyes. They both wanted to do, something... but soon the moment was gone, and they turned around to see this:

Jenissi and Xero were fanboying on the couch, Nakta and Sangdo had both stopped their game and were staring at them, Kidoh, Yano, Gohn and Seogoong were whispering to each other, and A-Tom was in the corner recording everything with his phone.

"Right..." B-Joo said, embarrassed. "Hyung, can you um... dye my hair now?" Hansol nodded and led B-Joo to the bathroom and pulled out the dye. He put on gloves and brushed B-Joo's hair back in the mirror. About thirty minutes later, his hair was dyed the pastel purple color. Hansol brushed his finger through it and lost track of time.

"Hansol, shouldn't I dye your hair now?" B-Joo asked after what seemed like forever of Hansol smiling and fiddling with his hair.

"Oh, right!" Hansol hopped onto the sink and let B-Joo dye his hair. They had to wait for another hour, but instead of going to watch TV or hang out with everyone else, they stayed in the bathroom and just talked. Though neither liked to admit it, they were both enjoying the time they had spent together.

Dying hair is weird from B-Joo's perspective. He had never really touched someone's scalp before. He decided it was alright, though. Since him and Hansol were such good... friends.

After B-Joo was done dying his hair, they both looked into the mirror together. B-Joo placed his hands on Hansol's shoulders and smiled.

"I know men don't like being called this..." B-Joo mumbled quietly. "But I think you're beautiful."

Hansol didn't respond, or even blush, so B-Joo thought that he hadn't heard anything.

But Hansol did hear it.

And he liked what he heard.

mr. right. + hanjoo.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu